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Alexa Myers

I wake up to Sylvia with her head in my lap, mumbling something about John.

I quietly stand and lightly place her head down on a pillow nearby.

"Hey, you're awake." Diara greets me as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey." I sit down on a stool.

"Slept well?" she giggles. "I would've gotten you guys in the guest room but you both get mad when someone wakes you."

"Yeah, i get it." I start, "what are you making?"

"Eggs with Chorizo." she responds. "Want some?"

"Nah. I'm not hungry." I shake my head, representing, 'no.'

She nods and continues cooking.

"That was actually the best sleep I've ever had." Sylvia walks into the bright, lively room.

"Maybe because you had a dream about John." I tease, smirking.

"Shut up, Myers."

Diara and I giggle.

"I'm gonna go home and change, get ready, drop off my stuff. I'll be back in a bit." I say, standing.

"Yeah same." Sylvia says. "drop me off?" she asks me.

"Duh. come on." I say.

"See y'all in a bit!" Diara shouts.

"Bye!" we say and head out the front door.


"When was your first time?" Sylvia asks on the way to her place.

"Some guy at a party at my old school." I respond. "Why?"

"Just asking." she looks out the window.

"How about you?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"Well." she starts, "John was actually my first."

"No freakin' way!" I shout, smiling.

"Yes freakin' way." She smiles.

"Oh my God, Syl!"

"He understood and was actually super gentle." She smiles like a dork.

I 'awh' her as we pull up to her place.

"Don't say a word, Myers." She smirks.

"Duh." I respond, doing that lock-lips thing with my fingers.

She closes my door and waves me off.

I wave back, and speed off into the distance.


The girls and I went to 'The Habit' (a burger place) and munched on our food while watching horror movies.

I hated and loved horror movies so I would constantly hide but peek out so I could see what would happen. (The movie is 'The Hatred)

I squeal at a demon thing peeking through a door staring at the girl.

Diara laughs and continues watching, "Didnt know scary movies were your weak spot, Alexa."

"Yeah." i respond.

"NAH, I DONT FUCK WITH THAT DEMON SHIT, MANEEE." i shout as a green demon thing appears on screen.


I jump and scream.

"Calm down." Diara says, opening the door.

"Hola mama. Hey Izzy." I hear Diara. "Oh hey guys?"

"Found them outside." I hear her mom. "Might as well bring them in."

"Hey baby." Derek

I hear footsteps.

"Hey princess."

I scramble up and jump on Nate.

"Woah there." he chuckles.

"Perfect timing." Sylvia smirks. "This bitch was gonna shit her pants."

I turn and glare at her, and she glares back.

We all take a seat, watching the horror movies, me jumping at the jump scares.

"I got you, princess." Nate says, as he kissed my forehead.

I smile and continue watching the movie drifting off to sleep.




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