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Above is a character trailer for our little (powerful) bean, Isa

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Above is a character trailer for our little (powerful) bean, Isa. Feel free to give it a watch!

A few days later, as the sky thickened like ink, I found myself sitting with Lexus once again.

We'd made it something of a tradition to watch a movie together every night. I'd been avoiding leaving my room for fear of seeing not only Phoenix but suspicious pack members. I knew a lot of them blamed me and my hostility for Terra's leaving and after what had transpired between the Alpha and I, I wasn't in the mood to dispel—or, in my case, probably fuel—rumours.

"I have a plan." Lexus suddenly announced, throwing the covers off of my body.

I pouted. "Why'd you do that?" I desperately reached for the entangled blankets but Lexus moved them away in a flash, making use of his inhumane speed.

"Because I have a plan!" he insisted.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. Lexus was always coming up with 'brilliant' ideas—most of which involved him cooking. For that reason, I often took his suggestions with a pinch of salt. No, actually. A shit ton of salt.

"Go on." I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"We're going to make him jealous." Lexus whispered conspiratorially in my ear.

My jaw dropped. "Who? Phoenix?"

He nodded excitedly.

"That won't work, Lex." I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, neither of us will be able to carry it off."

He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my room, shaking his head. "How little faith you have, Isa! I'll have you know that I'm an actor in my own right."

I looked at him, gaze hard. He seemed so...genuine. His blue eyes were pleading with mine, his lips were puckered in a could I deny him? Plus, I wanted to see my mate suffer just as much as I had. Seeing him with someone else had damaged a part of me that I never knew existed.

"Fine." I acquiesced with sigh, earning an excited whoop from Lexus. "But be subtle, Lex."

"Subtle." he repeated, nodding his head. "Okay. Can do."

We reached the living room, wherein Phoenix, Vilkov, and a brooding old man were seated. Embarrassment, mingled with dread, made my stomach plummet. Shit. Who was he?

"Abort." I said quietly, and when Lexus didn't reply I hissed more loudly. "Lexus, abort!"

He merely frowned. "I'm not pregnant."

My cheeks flushed as Lexus grabbed my hand. Phoenix looked up from his papers as he noticed our presence, eyes momentarily settling on our intertwined hands. A smile itched to stretch across my lips. Great. Perhaps Lexus did know how to be subtle—

"Isa and I are going to have sex." Lexus deadpanned, looking down at me with loving eyes.

My mouth dropped.

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