Chapter 8: Back in Time?!

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Continuing from Max's POV...

Max's POV...
As I got to my room I placed my things down and sat on my bed, this day has been very stressful . I then sat on my bed with the picture of me and Chloe when we were kids. Then when I was focusing on the picture, it became alive.

"What the..." I focused on the picture again and ... I looked at my hands... I was, young again I was 12 again but , how!?.
"Dad! Where did you put the butter?" Is that... Chloe? Chloe is young again.
"Chloe, its next to the stove!" And... Williams... Alive! This is so fucking strange. William and Chloe look so happy.
"Max, are you ok? You look pale." Chloe came up to me and hugged me from behind. I felt my cheeks get hot as she turned me around to face her. She gave me a devilish smirk.
"Y... yeah I'm ok..." I said as I smiled at her.
"Your adorable when you blush " she pinched my nose playfully. I laughed as we hugged each other. We then went into the kitchen and saw William cooking breakfast. I then saw the camera Chloe gave me on the kitchen counter. I grabbed it and took a picture of them.
"Smile!" 1...2...3! The picture came out perfectly.
"This ones a keeper " William said, as he smiled at me.
"Not till I see first " Chloe said as she laughed. Just then, the phone rang, it was Joyce calling .
"Hi honey!... just making breakfast for the girls... what?... groceries huh?... ok then, I'll be there soon" William hung up the phone and started to look for his keys.
"Shit! Where are my keys?"
"That's another dollar for the swear jar!"
"You mean your college fund!" I was trying to look for his Keys but couldn't find them.
"Aha! There you are you little devil " he took the keys from under his hat and started to leave.

After a few minutes, Max started to rewind to the moment where William was taking on the phone. She took his keys were under his hat and put them in the dish water.

"Man...where are my keys?" William clicked the noisemaker to locate his keys, but they were under water.
"William, why don't you take the bus? It'll ... be faster cause it comes in ten minutes..." William smiled at me as Chloe was platting our food.
"You make a good point Max, ok then I'll take the bus and I'll help Joyce with the groceries. I'll be back soon girls! No wine tasting either!"
"Ahhh!" Chloe wined as she hugged me. I can't believe it! I saved William.

William will be alive!

"Max, are you ok?" Chloe asked me as I held her hands and danced around with her.
"Chloe everything is awesome! We are awesome!" I said as she smiled at me and giggled.

A few moments later, Max wakes up at... Blackwell? She was surrounded by Victoria, Nathen, and the other popular kids. She saw Taylor and Kate holding each other against a tree. Max felt like this was a dream or a nightmare.

"Uhh earth to Maxine ... are you ok hun?" I noticed Victoria kiss my cheek as I looked around.
"Max, never Maxine..." I said with a confused look.
"I'm sorry Max, I hope you're not mad at me" she said in an innocent voice. I smirked at her and stood up to look around. I saw that everyone and everything was different.

Warren hooked up with Stella ?

What the fuck is going on here?

Chloe... I have to see Chloe...

I said as I waited at the bus stop, David was the bus driver for the school bus.
After a few stops I got off at the stop were Chloe lived. The house looked the same, the paint was repainted in some areas. I knocked on the door and saw ... William, with patches of grey hair... I was happy to see him.
"Well, isn't it Max!" He said in a excited tone.
"It's great to see you William, is Chloe in?" I asked as he nodded.
"Chloe you have a visitor!" William stepped to the side to let Chloe through... but my best friend... was in a wheelchair... she did nothing but give me a warming smile. I felt numb... this isn't what I wanted for Chloe... my Chloe...

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