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*Justin's P.O.V*

I was cuddling with Raegan, and I'm really curious about a thing, so I asked him:

"When did you first saw me?"

Rae smiled a bit looking up, and began to speak:

"I was walking to my car after I broke up with Mikayla, my ex girlfriend, if I can say that. As I got to my car, I saw a little boy walking down the street, that boy being you. In my head I was like oh damn look at him, and from that moment I knew I wanted you. Crazy right? Only seeing a person, more like a kid, for the first time and fall in love? Anyway, You were wearing a red sweater, black jeans, black vans and a cute little hat, of course wearing it backwards, oh and your glasses. You had your backpack and I saw you talking on the with someone. You went the other way I was supposed to go, but I locked my car and followed you. Soon, you entered in a house, who I assumed it was your house, so I got the address and go home. When I got home, I told some of my guys to spy on you, and all this time for two years, they were there , seeing what you do, who do you talk to, who are your parents, who are your friends, do they treat you right, are you in a relationship, and you know, all that kind of stuff. They all told me everything about you, and I have it wrote on a notebook in my office. For like a year I used to come to your house everyday and spy on you. My favourite part was when you would come out of the shower, but obviously you had a towel on, that being the sad part. Soon , you started dating that Hunter guy, and I can tell I was not happy at all. But you didn't even know I existed , so how could you stop yourself. I gain the courage and told myself "I have to get him, right now" so I waited till you got out of school, and with my tracking app I saw that you were at the forest, so I went there. When you kissed the guy, even though I told you not to, I just felt like the whole world collapsed on me, so I instantly killed him then I got you. You know the rest"

Rae said all of this, wow.

"Wait, so you're telling me you were there everyday for the past 2 years and just spy on me? Omg how did I never noticed you" I said smiling. Omg. He just giggled.

"I have my skills" he said, and then pulled me into a sweet kiss. We just cuddled till we fell asleep, him holding me tight in his strong arms, in a sweet embrace.


Hey, this was all I had for this chapter numb nuts, hope you liked it, love youuu!

yours ʲᵃᵉᵍᵃⁿWhere stories live. Discover now