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*Justin's P.O.V*

At 2 in the morning, Rae said we have to go in our honeymoon and I am literally so excited this is all like a dream. Everyone is still partying, no one left. Rae said we have to change from our suits in something more comfy because the drive would be kinda long. We walked upstairs holding hands and when we got in the room, the lights were off. He didn't bother to turn them on, but instead, he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. I giggled and he smiled and we started kissing. After a while we stopped.

"I love you daddy"

"I love you much more prince" I smiled and went in my closet to get something to wear. I got some baggy grey sweatpants and a baggy bloody red sweatshirt. Rae got dressed in some black jeans and a black sweatshirt. Ugh how does he look so hot in everything he is wearing? I still can't fucking believe we are married. Every inch of me is officially his. He came to me smiling and placed both of his hands on my hips, I placed mine on his chest and kissed him passionately.

"Let's go prince" he said kissing my forehead.

"Okay daddy"

"Our bags are already in the car, you can take your backpack and put your phone charger and other things you need" he said smiling

I nodded and went to get my backpack. I have one with Suicide Squad and it looks so cute. I went and put in 4 bandanas, my phone charger, my phone of course, I have some things you can like put around dread looks or normal hair and they look cute so I got them. I put in a brush and my highlighter because I needa look shiny, and lastly some stickers you can stick on your face, they are like so cute.

"I'm done daddy" I said

"Okay baby, let's go" he said grabbing my hand, I put the backpack on my back and we walked down the stairs. When we went outside, all the people from the party were around a path so we could walk between them and as we did, they threw white rose petals in the air, landing on us, I smiled and blushed a bit. When we got out from that alley thingy, we went and hugged Tyler, Josh, Matt, Sidney, Cara and Amanda (if you guys forgot Amanda is Josh's girlfriend, yea i dont mention her a lot).

When we got in the car, we put our seatbelts on. Raegan asked me smiling:


I took a deep breath and smiled "Yes"

He started the engine and I saw everyone wave at us as we drove off. The stars looked beautiful. I looked down at Raegan's hand and I interlocked our fingers, he smiled and I did the same. I started dozing off in my thoughts, looking out the window. This is the best day of my life, I married the love of my life. Nothing in the world could separate us. Our love is stronger than anything. I started to fall asleep thinking.

*In the morning*

I woke up alone in a bed. This room was so pretty. It had a window that was as big as the wall and outside was a perfect view of a cliff. I didn't see Rae though. Near the window were 2 arm chairs, and I sat on one. Raegan must've changed me last night because I was only wearing my boxers and a very long baggy black t-shirt with a lion on it. He knows I dont really like sleeping with pants on. After like 10 minutes, I heard the door open and Raegan came in eith 2 coffee mugs. He smiled once he saw me and placed the mugs on the table. I got up and placed my arms around his neck, kissing him.

"Good morning, husband" I giggled

"Hey, even if we are married, my nickname is still daddy" He smirked and I giggled again.

"Okay" I said and kissed him again.

We drank our coffes and after, Rae told me "Go get dressed baby".


I went in my bag and picked an outfit.

(Justin got dressed in exactly what she is wearing, also I love her ^)

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(Justin got dressed in exactly what she is wearing, also I love her ^)

Lastly I put on my sunglasses and Rae looked at me "Gorgeous as always".

I smiled and punched his shoulder playfully.

"What was this for, Mr. Baddie"

"For you making Mr. Baddie blush" I giggled and he looked at me, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Ok now, come on"

He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I also grabbed my backpack before getting out. Where we are right now is a mountain. For a mountain, it is really warm outside, and its even February. We took walks on the beautiful alleys, me taking photos now and then. We talked about everything and laughed now and then. I am really having an amazing time. We went to the cliff and sat down, holding hands. We kissed once in a little while. We did a bunch of stupid stuff like chase each other, climbing in trees, blasting music and dancing like monkeys on it, I almost fell one time. It was now night, we were still at the cliff. It was full moon. Rae came behind me and put his hands over my eyes. I smiled and he said "hear this?" .

"Its the sound of peace. The sound of the songs the grass hoppers make every night. It is peace, and everything in here is amazing but the one who stands the most, is you, prince" he said and let go of my eyes. I smiled and went to hug him. I jumped and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and it started to get cold so we went back to the house. As soon as we got in he pushed me on the bed and we started making out, he tugged at my pants and........

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