Chapter 14

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It's been 2 months since I talked to Kid Ink nd I still didn't tell him I'm pregnant . I'm still staying at Bria's house nd were planning Zaid's first birthday party. I can't believe my little baby is turning 1 . We found an venue to have the party at nd Roc's paying for everything thing. We have been talking lately and were doin a good co-parenting job.

Today meh and Bria is goin shopping for Zaid's birthday outfit his party is tomorrow . We when went to to the Burberry store and got Zaid a Burberry shirt wit a matching bucket hate. Then we bought him a pair of tru's and a pair of Prada sneakers. my baby is goin to look nice on his birthday

The day of the party is goin good everybody is showing up at the venue Roc , Bria , Isis , Passion , Diamond , and Hope is here. All the kids from Zaid's daycare is here nd there all playing around nd having fun .

We started opening Zaid's gift when I saw a lightskin at the corner of my eye . I turned around and it was Kid Ink he had brought Lexi with him . I then continued opening the gifts with Zaid . When the party was over Kid Ink walked towards me nd asked if we could talk . I told him I don't have time now I told him I'll come over tomorrow .

(Next day)

I went over to Kid Inks house I left Zaid with Bria for the day. When I got to his house and he opened the door. when I got in I say in the couch nd then he told me how much he missed me nd he lived me and how he wanted me to com back . I was listing to him until I had to get up and run to to the bathroom nd throw up. when I came back on the couch and he asked me what happened that's when I told him that I'm 4 months pregnant . his face was shocked but then he had a wide smile on his face . He said were gonna have a baby together u then shock my head . After he said I'm so happy we're gonna have a baby then he kissed my stomach . he then said so now u and Zaid could move back wit meh and Lexi nd we could be one big happy family . I turned to him nd said if we move back in u can't kick me out nd take away the gift you bought me as u did the last time . he said I kno baby I promise it won't happen again I love you Selena . I then said I love u to Kid Ink.

That night I packed all my stuff nd moved out of Bria's house with Zaid an we were just in time because August was coming back next week Monday . when we got to Kid Inks house the kid were asleep nd me nd Kid Ink were cuddled up next to each other in out room . I told him my feet hurt then ht got up and started to rub then. there nothing better then get a foot rub while your pregnant . I'm so happy me and Kid Ink are back together . I really love him.

A thin line between Us.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin