Chapter 20

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Jay and four other cars pulled up in front of us and our mound of stuffies. 

They each fit in two for each car.

“Are we leaving?” I asked Ryder reluctantly.

“You kidding, sunshine? We’re just getting started.” He grabbed my hand and we walked back into the fair. 

We passed the balloon booth. “Hey, buddy!” Ryder yelled at the booth guy, who was pumping up balloons, trying to refill the dart board after we popped every single one of them. “I’m reporting you for scamming by the way!” 

Yeah, making all the balloon’s tags small is against the law.

“Now what?” I asked him.

“I would play more games, but I don’t want to have to call the guys back over here when we win more things that are too big to carry. So, how about food.”

“I love fair food. Anything that’s greasy and fried is for me.”

Except a guy. If he’s greasy and fried, he need to take a shower and see a doctor.

I sat at a bench while Ryder went to a food stand. He came back with six funnel cakes, a bunch of fried food. Geez he took me literally.

“I found a stand that sold just random fried food. I figure we could taste test together.

“This is fried Oreos right?” 

He looked surprised. “All the fried food looks the same. How did you figure it out.”

“Mamma knows her favorite food.” I stuffed the whole thing into my mouth and Ryder did the same. 

“What’s this?” I asked picking up a random food item. 

“No idea. Here’s another one.” The only reason we knew it was the same was because of the shape. 

“First one to guess what it is wins?” I challenged. 

“Ok, one, two, three, Go!” 

I stuffed it into my mouth and chewed, trying to taste it.

“Pickles!” We both shouted at the same time. 

“Let’s make this interesting. First one to guess it gets to ask the other person a question and they have to answer it.” 

“Okay.” I’m starting to think that Ryder wont back down from a challenge.

“One, two, three, Go!”

I chewed. Cheesey... Noodles. “Mac and Cheese Ball!” 

He thought for a second before admitting defeat. “I didn’t know they fried mac and cheese.” 

“I’ve never tasted it, but I’ve heard of it. I win! Okay, my question is ‘What’s your biggest fear?’”

“Losing you again.” He answered without hesitation. 

“Oh, let’s try this one!” I picked up another mystery food. I didn’t respond to what Ryder said because I want to keep our date light and fun. 

We counted down and chomped into the food. It’s chocolaty. Ugh, it’s familiar, but I just can’t put my finger on what it is...

“Snicker!” Yelled Ryder with a full mouth of food.

“Dammit.” I mumbled. 

After we both finished our deep fried Snickers, Ryder asked me, “What’s your favorite color?”

“Seriously? You can ask me any question and that’s what you come up with?” I raised my eyebrows.

“I don’t want you to have to tell me something you don’t want to. I think that in time you will tell me everything, but I want you to do it of your own free will.”

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