The most important thing

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Life is less about what you do and more how you impact other people and make them feel. If you make someone feel bad about themselves, you're remembered as the person who made them feel bad. But if you make someone feel good about themselves they remember moment of love. The most important thing is love. Unconditional love is so rare. To live someone unconditionally is to set aside everything they have done or will do and love them anyways. It's to say that no matter what happens that person can always come to you knowing you're arms will be open. I think I'm incapable of anything but unconditional love. I love people despite all flaws because I know, that that compulsive liar has a really good heart that he just doesn't want people to judge him. I know, that friend who calls me names is insecure and he doesn't mean his insults. I know that that friend who makes racist jokes is ashamed of his own race. All actions have a reason and more than often that reason is sad and tears them apart on the inside. So I chose love.

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