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The day I realized I had an issue with drugs is the day I did cocaine for the first time. I was a 4.57 Gpa student yet I decided to go down a path with no return. I couldn't figure out why I decided to do it. My boyfriend tried to convince me otherwise, but I was set in the fact that I wanted to do it. I know now that I was sick; more mentally ill than I've ever been. I was so depressed and anxious about what life was throwing at me that hard drugs didn't seem like that much of an issue. I cried on my way home as I reflected on my life up until that point. I knew I needed to stop, but once you start it's impossible to stop. I started smoking marijuana once in a blue moon and I ended up doing cocaine. Drugs rocked my world and I pray that a light is shone on the reality on what they do to you. No drug is good, they all lead down the same miserable path that doesn't end until you die. No one deserves to live that life.

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