Honors student

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The title of honors student doesn't mean much when the title is all you believe you are. An honors student. A 4.57 GPA couldn't possibly exist on the same plane as drugs, suicide, and depression. But it all too well does. The students who stay awake until 3 completing assignments and then contemplate existence after with their ever searching minds; minds that also wonder if this life is ever worth it. Is a certificate on paper really worth this pain and exhausting that I am feeling today when I can barely stay alive? I can assure you it's the honors student struggling. Struggling in a world that tells them if you are perfect you aren't good enough, and they are the ones that care. They want to be good enough, they want to be loved. But when they fall short what is there to do except crumble into a mess of tears and sunken in eyes when you are not what you're thought you can only be?

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