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If you have never lived with anxiety then it's almost impossible to imagine what a person is going through. Anxiety is such a complex concept and it's different with every individual. Anxiety took ahold of my life. Anxiety fir me is asking the same friend if they hate me every day even though logically i know they don't. It's crying over school work when you have a 4.57 Gpa yet it will never be good enough in your eyes. It's seeing your father and wondering if all those things he said to you still apply; if all the work you did to improve made a difference. Its contemplating the reality of existence and wondering if you'll ever make an impact. It's knowing everyone matters yet not knowing how you matter and being terrified of being the first person who truly didn't matter. It's breaking down and smoking a cigarette because you need to numb something because there's so much you need to say, but you can't seem to said enough and when you try you don't think anyone really listens.

Anxiety also comes with its friend, Depression.

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