Reasons to stay

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There's a million things in life telling you that you're not worth it. Suicide is something that has impacted my life greatly. My freshman year of high school was the year I lost my first friend. His name was Christian. I would like to hope that my words and love are powerful enough that if he would have told me, I could give him the reasons he needed to stay. But he never told me. Or anyone. So find your reasons to stay because it's true, life is hell. Whether your reasons are small like, my dog won't know why I never came home or I need to know the end of this tv show, or your reasons are bigger like, my mom will be devastated,  I want to cure cancer, or I want to find love, your reasons are as valid as they are important. Life is precious. Beyond what reasons you have for feeling the way you do, there's an infinite amount of possibilities in life. There's something waiting for you behind the closed doors of your mind that tell you there's not. There is something for you. And it's important. Yes- it's crucial.

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