My Kryptonite

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I noticed her the second she entered the room. It was like this all consuming aura spread through the space that separated us, weakening my resolve to resist her. Turning from the large, glass pane window I had my sights set on, I met her narrowed, assessing eyes; a deep amber color, filled with deep longing and crippling hunger. I knew those emotions like an old friend and over the past six months, they'd become eerily familiar to me. She didn't just look at me, she saw me.





It was as if her gaze melted every single barrier between us, leaving me gasping and grappling for a reason; any reason to stay away from her.

Phoenix Rose, my kryptonite.

We met at a charity gala my mother was hosting last winter, during one of my few breaks I took from school. Closing my eyes tightly, I could still picture her that night, so clear in my head. She was wearing a long, black back-less dress that revealed just enough cleavage to hint at my dormant sexuality.

The moment I saw her, I knew approaching her would be like walking into the pit of a blazing fire.



But, so damn enticing.

I did what I always did when I was afraid or hesitant about something in my young, pretty sheltered life. I avoided it. And with her?

I ignored her presence, all together. Yet, somehow, she lured me in. Like the beautiful, salacious vixen she was, she pulled me right in; giving me the hope that our one night together could be something more.

Something beautiful. Phoenix Rose wasn't just a woman I crushed on.

She was the woman I could have fallen in love with, if she hadn't broken my heart before I ever got the chance.

"Haley? Earth to Haley..."

"Huh? Sorry, Dani." I shook my head at myself, dragging slender, anxious fingers through my white- blonde hair as if the habitual motion of my fingers strumming through the long, smooth strands would lessen the slew of emotions being in the same room as her brought me.

I was pretty sure nothing would. My sister, Dani Hope, tugged gently on my hand getting my attention in the other wise busy room. We were at a local restaurant I frequented a lot, Mitsy's Tavern. They were said to have the best Haddock in New England and as far as I could tell, they did.

"You know she's here right?"

Not daring to look behind us, I nodded. I'd felt her.

"Yeah. I don't want to..." She interrupted me before I could finish my thought.

"Oh my god, she's coming over to our table."

Shit. I was no not ready for this. Hearing her sharp, clicking heels on the linoleum floor beneath us, I winced in anticipation of facing her again. I'd managed to avoid her ever since she kicked me to the curb, so to speak. That had been a long, uneventful six months ago.


Hello my loves! Thank you so much for continuing to read Phoenix and Haley ;) Please don't forget to share, vote and follow so you'll know when I post updates!

I split this scene up between POV's so these first 2 parts are super short, sorry! I promise they'll get longer as I go.



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