Making Amends

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Present Day

"You're right, Hales. I can't just come back and expect you to fall into my arms as if everything is washed away and forgiven. I know I may have to prove to you that you can, and baby girl, you can trust me. You've laid me bare from the second you laid your eyes on me and the only reason I ran from you was because I thought..." I had to stop then, as my throat closed up at the thought of letting my emotions show, the cracks in my stone-like control be witnessed in front of eyes that weren't hers. We were standing outside, on a street similar to many others and I knew there would be people walking by, eyes on me as I devulge my truth and even though I would have done anything for this woman, I'd rather some privacy.

"Fy," She whispered, her eyes, once sadness ridden and accusatory now soft with concern and a warmth I thanked God was still there for me. Stepping forward, she ingulfed me in her slender arms and like the desperate fool I was, I melted into them, needing her strength for just a moment.

She had always been able to center me. Bring me back to earth, in more ways than one. And with just her arms around me and her breath against my throat where she rested her head, she comforted me more than anything else had in her absence.

"Come back to my hotel with me. I'm staying here for a few more nights and Hales, I need us to hash things out. It's killing me, being away from you, knowing you hate me for walking away before. I don't know if I can change your mind on that but please, let me try."

I was begging her. I'd never begged for something or someone before and hell I wasn't even sure if I'd done it right, said the right things. But when she lifted her head and simply nodded, I knew I had gotten through to her.

Taking her pale hand in mine, I pulled her behind me and toward the parking lot where I parked, hoping beyond hope she wouldn't need to come back for her car when our little talk was through.

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