Have Mercy On Me

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"Baby." The easily spoken endearment flew from me as soon as we exited the small café I'd found her in, dining with what I expected were some friends from the college she attended in Boston. Her steps were quick as she retreated from me, her long, beautiful brown hair covering the face I craved to see, again.

"Don't call me that, Fi. Too much has happened for you to just come back here and expect me to melt into you the way I once did." Her words were harsh, yet still spoken with the soft devotion my Haley had always held for me. Had that been snuffed out by my jealousy fueled abandonment of her? Did her big, caring heart still have mercy for me?

God. Gritting my teeth together, stopping myself from confessing all of the emotions that swarmed inside of me like a hive of bees, stinging my insides with the bite of their ire; similar to the way I'd cast aside the girl in front of me; as if she were nothing. When in fact, she was everything. The only semblance of hope I had was the knowledge that she still held warmth toward me, shown by the way she called me Fi, the nickname she'd granted me when I told her she'd be screaming my name to the heavens, begging for mercy when I was done with her. With my experience with women, I expected her to react as any other would have. A scarlet blush. A bite to those lush, red lips of hers. Maybe even a sigh of longing for just what I had described.

Instead, she took to calling me something besides my given name, knowing how right I was yet also knowing she wouldn't be another notch on my supposed bed post. She said she wanted more, she wanted me. The real, uncensored and honest me.

When a woman with such clear determination says that to you, what can you do to avoid it?

And so, I gave myself to her.




That was, until the day I realized, I could never truly have her.

The day I left her, we were at one of my many clubs, doubling as either a bar or a night club for the majority of guests to come, mingle and have a little fun outside of their boring, routine ridden lives. But, to some with a key to the secret entrance to the lower levels, it was a place to meet, mingle and cum to their hearts desire. It was a BDSM fantasy club, designed to allow our members to indulge in even their most depraved fantasies in a safe, consensual environment with no prying eyes from their personal lives to judge, ridicule them.

Leaning my head back against the brick wall behind me, I remembered the day I'd ended Haley and I, believing that it was what was best for her at the time.

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