Come With Me

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"Haley?" Her voice was like velvet, rough and smooth at the same time and I rocked my head back over one shoulder, my gaze hesitantly reaching hers.

God, she looked just as lovely as she always had. Long, thin legs for miles and lean hips to match. A slender neck and charcoal gray eyes that sucked me into their depths, filling me with all of the emotions I could never seem to hide from her.

Her name said it all, she was a Phoenix. A keeper of all things good and with one look, one calculated touch- she could turn the world to dust.

She was so calm, so lethal in her business endeavors yet when she was with me, she was sweet and protective and oh so controlling. After having the childhood I'd had, growing up in one foster home to another, you'd think I would want anything but a woman like her. She was level headed and strong, dominant in the bedroom and bossy at the least when we were outside of it.

I could never change her into a softer version of the woman I once loved.

And the crazy part of all of this?

I didn't want to.

"Hi." Hi? What a dumb thing to say...

I berated myself within the dark recesses of my mind and as I often did, I doubted why she had ever truly wanted me. I was a plain jane with long, straight hair that fell just below my shoulders; blue eyes and long lashes. Yes, I knew I was attractive, in a way. But to a woman like her?

Where she could have her pick of anyone in anyone of her clubs or events she often attended, why me?

Why had she chosen me?

"Stop that, Gorgeous." Her whisper tickled the skin behind my ear and the air I'd breathed through my lungs evaporated, just like that. Shivers wracked my body as I turned my eyes from my feet to her oh-so-expressive eyes, instantly getting lost in them.

"What?" I whispered just like she had, unsure my voice was strong enough to speak any louder.

"Stop worrying. Come with me." Her voice was gentle and smooth but the bite of the meaning behind the quietly spoken demand was anything but gentle.


"Now, Hales." Biting my lower lip to stop myself from arguing with her right in front of my sister and her colleagues, I nodded and let her lead me away from the table. My heart was in my throat as her warm, firm hand grasped onto mine and my feet felt like jello while she pulled me deeper into the back of the diner my sister and I had come to for lunch. It was a small place and the bathrooms were often empty since it wasn't a busy place. I knew where she was headed as we headed toward the left and pushing my feet down, I willed myself to stop her motivations.

"I'll just carry you over my shoulder, baby. Don't test me." She chided, already shaking her head at me in refusal. It was a moment I was sure I'd regret, but I couldn't stop myself from bending to her will; as I always had.

I was never very good at saying no to her.

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