Taking Chances

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My stomach dropped with unease as the shadow of Phoenix loomed behind me, blocking the only door in my bedroom; effectively trapping me where I stood.


"Just listen, baby. That's all I'm asking of you."  Her words were soft, gently spoken; as if she meant no harm. But I knew better. This woman could break me with just a few cruelly spoken words and God, had she when she walked away from me that day. Closing my eyes tightly, I willed the burning tears in the backs of my eyes away, unwilling to cry in front of her, again.

I'd done enough of that before she walked away, leaving mere broken pieces of my heart in her wake.

"Fy?" My nickname for her came out of my suddenly dry throat, a mere whisper as I watched her approach the large, glass doors that led to the exit of the club. I was sure she hadn't heard me, so I followed her, unsure of what the rules were but unable to let her walk away like this.

"Fy!" I yelled her name, then as she opened the doors that would take her away from my sights and my heart screamed out from my chest, a sharp pain of agony ripping through the very core of me.

Why was she doing this?

What had I done?

God, why?

"You can't go, baby. Please just wait. I'll get my things and we can..."  I rushed the words out, sure she was leaving me, desperation to stop her coursed through me with every strangled, shallow breath I took.

"I'm not what you want anymore."  Phoenix wouldn't look at me as she finally gave  me a reason as to why and her refusal to even say it to my face was worse than anything else.

"Please," I whispered again as I  finally let the hot, stinging tears fall down my face as I  begged her one last time to stay. But she was already gone.

"Shh, sweet girl. I'm here." I awoke with the strange feeling of safety surrounding me, my head rested against something soft and warm while a pair of arms that I knew far too well, wrapped around me, protecting me in a way that felt so familiar I wanted to cry.

"My head hurts." I murmur, inwardly cringing as I hear how pathetic I'm sounding right about now. If this is who she's coming back to, why would she want to?

"Harley," Fy shakes her head, taking the time to run one of her hands through her hair before she looks down at me, again. I'm sprawled out on her bed, her chest serving as my pillow and her arms my security, my safe place. It wasn't that long ago that she was my home, the one person I trusted more than anything or anyone else in my young life. Could I trust her again, someday?

Would she stay?

"What happened, Fy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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