How To #4 - Make sure Senpai only notices you ⚠️Yandere⚠️

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Keep in mind that probably nothing here belongs to me / comes from my imagination! Enjoy the part!

⚠️ Short Chapter ⚠️

⚠️ Yandere ⚠️

If you really want Senpai to notice you and only you, you're going to have to eliminate some rivals.

You'll have to stalk- I mean, research your senpai and find out who they like, who they hang out with, and their family members. I'd recommend making a list of all the people who could possibly get in your way.

Then you need to locate all those people and, how should I say this... dispose of them. If anyone tries to talk to senpai, make sure that you eliminate them, or else they might steal senpai away from you.

To show your loyalty to your senpai, I would recommend bringing the heads of his friends to their house, just to show them how strong your love is.

If anyone accuses you of being a psychopath, act cute and innocent! Maybe sure no evidence of you're disposals are left behind.

When you do this, senpai is sure to notice you... since, if no one else is alive, it's only you and senpai... forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever...

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