How To #14 - Get Senpai To Like You

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How to Get Your Senpai to Like You
It's really easy to get a crush on someone, but it's not easy to get them to have a crush on you! This article will provide an easy way to get him/her to notice you.


Be noticeable. The first thing you've got to do is make yourself the kind of person that people notice and want to be around! This is the best way to get and keep your crush's attention. Get up off the couch and start doing things with your life! This will give you something to be proud about, something to talk about, and show others the full, complex person that you are. If he/she says that you're ugly, ask him/her the truth somewhere private.
You can volunteer, pick up a new hobby, join a club, get a job, or any number of other activities. Everyone loves it when one of their friends has the same interests as them. Just make sure to only join activities you want to join, and don't be forced to do something you don't want to.

Be positive. No one wants to deal with someone who's always complaining or who constantly says bad things about other people. Instead of only seeing the bad things in life, bring out the good in everything and everyone around you. Find the positive spin or lessons to be learned from bad situations. Your crush will notice and feel much better about your positive personality.

Be nice. No one wants to date someone who might say bad things about them or be mean to them. Show your crush that's not you by being nice, not only to them but to everyone around you. Help people, always have a kind word for someone who needs one, compliment people and find other ways to be nice too. If they look bad, or you don't like their shoes, Just tell them politely or just don't look at their clothes. For example, smile and be friendly! And just be yourself around them!

Be clean. Take care of your body. This shows that you care about and value yourself, showing others that you are worth caring about and valuing. Wear clean clothes with no holes or stains, wash your hair and body regularly, take good care of your skin and exercise as much as you can. Your crush won't want to be around you if you don't look or smell nice.

Be yourself. You want your crush to like you for who you are, so always be yourself. Don't change yourself or try to be someone you're not. People can usually tell and you'll only make yourself frustrated and sad. Don't let a crush change who you are! Do the things that you enjoy and if anyone doesn't like it, then they aren't worth your time.Who knows maybe he/she likes it when you act like yourself!

Be confident. Everyone likes someone who's confident. This is a very attractive quality for boys and girls! Of course, you don't have to actually be confident. Most people aren't, even if they seem like they are. Treat yourself well, don't constantly apologize to everyone, and get out there and do the things that make you you.

Wear nice clothes. Some great clothes will certainly capture attention. Wear clothes that fit the current fashions but also are flattering to your coloring and the shape of your body. You don't have to break the bank, either. Try resale or thrift shops in trendy areas or nearby colleges or universities for stylish clothes on the cheap side.

Act like you don't care. Don't be clingy or desperate. This will make your crush think you have issues they really don't want to deal with. Instead, put on an air of cool. If they don't seem like they want to talk to you, go talk to someone else. Throw parties and don't invite them until the last minute. Show them that you have your own life and that your world doesn't revolve around cataloging every time they so much as sneeze.

Be easy-going and approachable. You don't want to intimidate your crush. Maybe they already like you but they're worried you'll blow them off or bite their head off if they try to talk to you or ask you out! Be friendly, don't overreact to things, and definitely don't act like a jerk if someone else that you don't like asks you out on a date.

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