1; It all started with a nosebleed

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"Darn... What's happening? Curse this shit! " Rin cursed hoarsely.

Thick and scarlet red liquid spilled out of Rin's mouth and tainted the once pristine sink with.

"What's happening to me? My body feels heavy and weak... Should I consult Yukio? No... It'll only cause him more worry and trouble." He thought, troubled.

It was a month after him defeating the Impure King and escaping his death sentence.

Recently, Rin had felt discomfort in his body, coughing out blood and having chest pains. It all started with a minor nosebleed.

"I have... To fight this... Without letting Yukio know. " Rin muttered, almost losing his balance at the sink. He then washed away the blood.

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