Chapter 1: Why?

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(First off, I'd like to say that I am a huge vampire story fan and I especially loved Twilight! Even though this isn't a Twilight Fanfiction, there are similarities between the vampires in that story and the vampires in my story. I didn't want to use too many vampire characteristics from Twilight, so I added my own traits to make it more original and not like I was copying. I also want to point out that this is not a love story, there may be sparks between characters but the story wont revolve around a romance. I spent a lot of time making this plot and tried my best to make it as original as possible, I may not post every week but hopefully you stick around and most of all enjoy the story! I also was only planning on writing one book for the story but if you guys believe that it could prosper as a series, let me know! <3)


Was the first thing that popped into my head as I stood in front of the dark, uninviting forest. It's too dangerous, my conscience screamed at me. Now, I'm the kind of person who would always say something like, go with your gut, or, follow your heart, listen to your head, never make a decision you know you're going to regret-kind of stuff. I'm certainly not the type to go out and take deadly risks like walking through a large forest alone at 12:00 o'clock at night. I'm sure no one in their right mind would, but tonight, I was far from being in my right mind.

I had just left my friend-well maybe not friend, more like temporary acquaintance, Savannah Hilton's birthday party, which- as implied to everyone on the cheer leading squad-was mandatory to go to. Of course, I had no intention of coming to a birthday party that would be filled with a variety of pot to smoke, liquors to drink from, and music to dance dirty to on the dance floor. Then again, I certainly didn't want the rest of my senior year of high school to be filled with rumors about me doing terrible, indescribable things, or see my underwear be plastered all over the halls for the entire student body to see. Plus, my best friend Kristen was coming.

Everything started out fine in the beginning of the party, oh around ten or so. Kristen and I danced together like two normal friends would, and we managed to avoid the pot. But even though I'd promised myself I wouldn't do anything illegal tonight, I couldn't help but take a few shots of liquor and mixing them with other intoxicating substances. I guess Kristen had a little too much to drink and had to go to the bathroom, to puke I suppose. A few minutes after she left, some guy with a 40 ounce beer bottle in his hand sat and took Kristen's spot on the Island stool next to me.

"Sup, babe," He said in a slurred tone, "I'm Adam."

He reeked of malt liquor. I smiled a little at him then turned my head away. I felt his hot breath in my ear as he leaned in and whispered,

"You know, you're looking pretty hot in those jeans, and it's taking all my strength not to rip them off of-"

I knew what was at the end of the sentence but I didn't want to hear it. I was too creeped out. Some girls would have liked a random guy whispering in their ear seductively, but I wasn't like that, it was all too uncomfortable for me. I got up out of my stool and turned to the guy and hastily said,

"You know it was nice to meet you but I need to go find my friend." and walked away.

I weaved through the sea of gyrating bodies and made my way to the bottom of the stairwell. I looked up and saw the bathroom door was open. I walked up a couple of steps and stood on tip toe to glance over the top landing to see if anyone was in there. No one was.

I checked in the second bathroom in which was also empty. That meant Kristen was somewhere else around the house. I set off to look for her. I searched the first floor, the second floor, bedrooms(mistakenly walking in on couples), even the entire perimeter of the house. She wouldn't reply to any of my texts or calls. Kristen was no where to be found. As I got to the back of the house I came up short at the sight of the forest. At first I thought, no way she's in there, but who knew how wasted Kristen was? She could have wandered out of the house and walked through the forest thinking she was going to get to a bathroom through there.

So here I was standing in front of these ghostly woods, about to endanger my life, just to look for a friend. I looked behind me one last time at the house and bit my lip. It would be nice to walk through those trees and get some fresh air, instead of breathing in the contaminated air inside the house. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms tightly around my torso. I faced the forest again and took my cell phone out my jean pocket. I tapped my finger on the screen, opening the flash light app, and a bright light glowed from my phone, illuminating a small area of the woods in front of me, vaguely calming me down.

I walked in.

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