Chapter 6: Answers

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The heels clicked clacked down the stairs as I made my way down to Zane's study. I didn't know exactly where it was, but I followed Zane's familiar scent until I was facing large double doors. I raised my hand up, ready to knock, when I heard Zane say, "You may come in Annalisse."

I lowered my hand to the door knob and twisted it, then pushed the door open far enough so that I could walk into the room, and shut it behind me. Zane wasn't facing me. Instead he had his arms crossed on his chest and was staring out of a window. I couldn't tell what expression he had on his face, but it almost looked like anxiety.

"I see you've finished show-" as soon as he turned to look at me he cut his sentence short, and had a glint in his eyes that made me think he could've devoured me in one bite. I looked down at my feet. I was grateful my heart wasn't beating anymore or else my cheeks would have been a bright red. Thinking of my still heart reminded me of all my questions I needed answered. I looked back up at Zane.

"I see you've finished showering."

He said, speaking in a lower tone. He sat in a plush red gliding chair that was seated behind a large mahogany desk. He gestured to one of the two chairs sitting in front of the desk and said, "Please, have a seat." I walked and sat down in the soft chair, with Zane's eyes watching me intently.

I sat with my back straight and crossed my legs, folding my hands on top of my thigh. I was already wearing clothes for the proper, may as well have acted it.

Zane smiled, almost approvingly, and said,

"Annalisse, I did promise you I would tell you everything, and I will, but I must forewarn you that everything I am about to say may not be what you want to hear. It all may be confusing, and may sound ridiculous. But I need you to listen to everything I tell you, because it is very important that I inform you on everything that is about to happen. Okay?"

I nodded my head slowly. I wanted to know everything.

"Well, let's start with the main question you obviously have. What did I turn you into. But that is not what you should be asking, because what I did to you only gradually enhanced what was already a part of you." He started.

"What?" I asked.

" you think it was just a mere gift of coordination when you had made the cheerleading team and you could do the somersaults and cartwheels and routines without such as a drop of sweat, and you had never once been a gymnast at any point in your life, nor was anybody in your family? Or do you think that it was just a miracle when you were nine and had been in the hospital after you had been riding your bike and was suddenly hit by a car in which had broken your leg, collar bone, and four ribs, and you had miraculously recovered in just 12 days?" He said.

I thought about the time I made the cheerleading squad. I had never practiced how to do any of the cheers or routines, but yet when I tried out I recalled the steps perfectly. When I was hit by the car and my wounds had healed in 12 days, the doctors just told us reluctantly that they must have made a mistake and that the car must not have done the amount of damage they assumed.

Zane continued, "It was because of the venom in your veins."

"Venom?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. When you were born, you had vampire venom mixed with your human blood." He explained.

I was nearly out of my seat.

"Wait ,wait, wait. You're saying I was half vampire, half human?" There were no such thing as vampires, they were just myths! Just like werewolves and witches! How could this be real?!

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