Chapter 13: The letter

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Callisto was surprised by my sudden appearance. Zane introduced us casually,

"Good to see you didn't lunge for her throat Annalisse. This is my friend Callisto, the enchantress."

I had no idea what an enchantress was, but I did know she had a letter from my father, and I wanted to read it.


Callisto took a few steps toward me and I instinctively tensed in defense. Callisto's human heart thumped in slight fear at my sudden mood change. I relaxed myself, so I didn't scare her off and lose my chance of hearing from my dad.

"I certainly can see the resemblance." She says.

"You have a letter from my father..." I urged.

She nodded her head. I was growing impatient. Zane placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Please, let us sit." He said.

Of course, we were all comfortable standing, but this was his way of getting me to be patient. I sat in the same chair that I did when he explained everything to me on my first day here. Callisto slowly sat in the chair beside me, her slow and deliberate movements irritating me. I didn't have time for all this stalling, I needed to hear from my father- Now.

Annalisse, she'll show you the letter in a moment. Just be calm.

Zane's voice spoke in my head, and I sat, accommodating. Callisto cleared her throat,

"It is to my understanding that the last time you ever encountered your father was when you were 9 years old, correct?"

I nodded my head.

"Well as you know, for all those other 9 years you grew up, Xavier was hiding to keep you safe." She continued.

"Xavier?" I questioned, "His name is Richard.." I corrected her.

She glanced over at Zane, then back at me.

"Well...Richard wanted to give you this message himself, but you understand why he can't..."

I nodded my head. Callisto pulled something out of her sleeve. It was a cream colored piece of paper folded multiple times into a tiny square. She handed the paper to me.

"It isn't much, but it's something." She said while I took the letter from her.

I didn't hesitate to open it up. The paper had no lines yet the handwriting was flawlessly aligned and displayed with beautiful calligraphy. It was obviously written with a felt tip pen and ink. Old fashioned, but very elegant. It read,

My dear Annalisse,

     I can't even fathom the confusion and devastation you went through-and may be still going through-after your abrupt change to vampirism. I am dearly sorry I didn't get to explain everything to you before I left, but it was the only choice I had. Hopefully Zane is helping you adapt comfortably in the house. Trust me, with him, you'll be safe. And I promise with every portion of my soul that we will meet again.

I promise~

It took me forever to finish reading this brief letter from my father, mainly because I kept rereading the part where he swore that we would meet again. I didn't know I was crying until a tear coming out of my eye dropped onto the paper. I was horrified when it burned a tiny hole right where the "e" was supposed to be in "promise". I quickly wiped away the tears that followed to prevent them from burning away the rest of the letter and turned to Callisto.

"Where did he give you this letter? You have to tell me, I need to know where he is!" I demanded.

Callisto looked unfathomed, but answered sincerely, "Xz- Richard came to my home himself to drop off the letter. He can't risk anyone finding out his hiding location, not even me. But, he did risk coming back just for a moment, to give you that."

I sighed in defeat.

"Annalisse, don't worry. Your father is a man of his word. When he says you'll meet again, you will. You'll see your father soon." Zane's comforting voice and soothing demeanor calmed my nerves.

But I still had a lingering anxiety about my father.

(Sorry this was such a short chapter :( I didn't want to do it like this but I have so many ideas written out for the next chapter,although I haven't updated in a while so I decided to go ahead and focus on the letter. Hopefully Ch.14 will be up soon!)

FullBloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora