Chapter 10: Sparring

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To celebrate the victory of the last new born conquering their thirst for blood(me), Zane had decided on taking us out to dinner. "Taking us out" meaning taking us to a special woods for a “family hunt” type thing. We all ran there, including Benjamin, and the running was even better with 12 people. It was fun yet competitive, everyone was trying to go faster then the other, especially Carter. Evelyn was ahead of everyone else, except for me. When we got closer to the forest Zane had told me to slow down. He and Benjamin made their way ahead of me to guide us the rest of the way.

When we finally reached our destination, my throat was scorching from all the overwhelming heartbeats I heard. No one took time to stop and take a break, we didn’t need it. Before the first deer could scurry away my…fangs were already deep in it’s throat. A ping of guilt lightly rushed over me but I reminded myself that it was only an animal and not a human. It was strange hunting with others, especially my fellow progeny. We all seemed to be alert, cautious of one another, like one would try and steal our food. I found myself constantly glancing at everyone, making sure everyone was preoccupied with their own prey to come for mine.

I can see why Zane picked this location for us to hunt. It was remote, but full of animals, and it didn’t seem like any of us would be running short. Just as I think that, my mind goes to the thought of over kill. This forest may be full now, but by the time all of us are finished, the population will have declined drastically. Luckily, Zane used his influential sire ability to make us all feel full before we emptied out the forest.

“Everyone!” He calls.

And we all meet up to the site of his voice.

“I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. You’re going to need all the energy you can get. Today, we start sparring.” He announces.

“Sparring?” Christina asks.

“What’s that?” Asks Morgan.

“If you let him explain he’ll tell you!” Carter yells at her.

Morgan starts to yell back, but Benjamin clears his throat.

“Sparring is fighting. I will be putting you up against your fair match, and with the lessons you’ve learned this passed week, you will fight one another in a special competition.” He explains.

“Sounds great. Can Annalisse be my partner?” Carter asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“I haven’t started training yet.” I say.

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll go easy on you.” Carter replies with a smirk. Morgan rolls her eyes in annoyance.

“No, she’ll be my partner.” Benjamin speaks.

I turned to look at him, “Really? You mean to train first?” I ask.

“No, we’re going to spar. You’ve already been watching the lessons, there’s not much more for you to learn. Your brain already knows how to perform the moves now that you’ve seen them demonstrated.” He states.

“Good job, FullBlood.” Christina says with a smile.

I smile back at her, feeling smug at my advanced state of mind.

“Who will our partners be?” Marcus questions.

Zane answers, “Good question, I was just about to answer that. Benjamin and I have paired all nine of you up with one another based on performance in lessons, build, speed, and mental ability. Since there is an odd number of you, one of you will fight me. Which is Carter.”

Carter smiles a big cocky smile and rubs his hands together in a playfully threatening way. Zane disregards him and continues, “Christina you’ll be with Morgan, Jane you'll be with Evelyn, Gabriella with Marcus, and Daniel with David.”

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