Chapter 14: The Birth of Vampires

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After excusing myself to place my father's letter on my bedside table, I returned to Zane's study more composed. I didn't know much about Callisto, but I thought the fact that she was an enchantress highly intriguing. I decided that it would be best for me to become acquainted with her, especially if she would be bringing news to me about my father on a regular basis. When I returned to my briefly vacated seat, Zane spoke first,

"Annalise, when I first told you that you were a vampire, you brought up a comment about them all just being fairy tales along with werewolves and witches. Well by now I'm sure you've realized that we aren't the only supernatural creatures, and Callisto is among a group of supernaturals very different from us. Callisto was born with an ability to control the elements, change matter, and even time by her connection with the Earth. She essentially falls into the category of witches-"

"But I don't use a magic wand or spellbook." Callisto cuts in.

"But she can put you under her spell..." Zane said with an obvious play on words.

Callisto smiled approvingly.

"That's actually pretty cool." I said.

Suddenly feeling very childish. I had gotten so used to my advanced mind that I had taken on the idea that I knew everything. I realized now that I still had a lot to learn not only about my new life, but also about the other supernaturally existing ones.

Callisto continued, "Vampires originated from enchantors- castors- to be more accurate. They are our more malevolent echantors. They possess the dark energy that we are warned to stay away from. Castors are ruthless, vengeful, but also extremely powerful. Before there were countries, before there were states, and before there were cities, there were villages. Within these villages were tribes. As you know, with different tribes come different customs, or in this case-powers. The tribe of enchanters were called the "Bandante Tribe". The Romanian word Badante translates to the People In Power Who Live A Life Of Dying. Even though the enchantors were very powerful, they weren't invincible. The Village was ran by a tribunal of enchantors, whose works weren't favored by the majority of the villagers. The leaders of the Tribunal were greedy and merciless. Taking from the villagers everything of value, leaving them with barely enough food to survive."

"Didn't you say they were enchantors? Why didn't they just you know...make food appear?" I questioned.

"It was forbidden. No enchantor was allowed to use their energy for needs other than protection. The Tribunal had spies that settled in the villages. If they saw anyone using their energy, they would be reported to the Tribunal and punished. After long, the villagers grew tired of being peasants while their leaders drowned in wealth, so they devised a plan. Even though they knew they were forbidden to use their energy, they risked their lives by practicing in secret at night. It was only four of them, but they wanted to be powerful enough to take down the Tribunal. They knew the other villagers would be too afraid to go against their leaders, so they had to do it themselves. They needed to turn themselves into powerful creatures, that healed quickly from injury, and had the strength of 50 men. They wanted to work quickly, so they used the only energy they knew that would work. Dark energy. It went against the laws of nature, but the villagers were desperate. They waited until a Full Moon to cast their spell, which was an irreversible mistake. The enchantors got what they wanted, the strength and the endurance, but they were slaves under the Full Moon. Theyre bones broke and deformed from their natural shape, developing giant claws, strong jaws with razor sharp teeth, and big yellow eyes with faultless sight. They resembled wolves, but were larger. They were called Lycans. After the spell was over, the lycans went off to the Tribunal Hall, where the weaker enchantors slept. Before the Lycans could enter the Hall, the guards casts a spell that created a makeshift sheild around the perimeter. Keeping the Lycans outside, the guards awoke the leaders and advised them to prepare for a fight. The enchantors knew no matter how many spells they casts, it wouldn't work against these monsters, especially not under a Full Moon. So they they imitated the Lycans plan by turning themselves into creatures even stronger than the Lycans. They wanted the strength of 100 men, with incredible speed and endurance, but most of all, immortality. The spell worked, bringing to existence the first of your kind."

"My kind." Zane cut in.

"My mistake." Callisto said, "Once the Tribunal converted to vampirism, they went out to confront the Lycans. Without hesitating, the vampires attacked. The Lycans were taken off guard by the enchantor's new appearance and strength. Two of them were instantly ripped to pieces. The Lycans, realizing they weren't strong enough, ran. Instead of chasing after them, the vampires let them escape. After defeating the Lycans, the Tribunal had a new found confidence. That's when the Tribunal became the Malcotriaz."

"So why exactly do we have to drink blood?" I asked.

"Immortality was against the laws of nature, so the Earth back fired, forcing the vampires to have to consume life to sustain their immortality. They also lost their powers, and the blood of enchantors was like poison to them. Even some of the Earth's flowers became lethal to the vampires." She explained.

"Like Crysanths." I stated.

"Exactly." Callisto replied.

Callisto hesitated a little before continuing.

"Also, the use of dark energy to defy the Earth resulted in...eternal damnation."

Which meant we were already on the waiting list for going to Hell.

"I think that's enough story time," Zane said.

Even though my mind had more room for knowledge than it ever had, this was becoming overwhelming. I had been thrusted into this new life headfirst, with this new demand for responsibility and the fact that everything I thought I  knew was basically a mosaic of stories created on a foundation of lies. Despite being changed against my will, I didn't even get a judgement.

I was inherently evil and my destination after this was already set.

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