Chapter 5: The Grand Mansion

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Now that my dire need to drink blood was temporarily tamed, my mind was focused and I could think more clearly. So running now with Zane to his home was exhilarating. At first, he was soaring ahead of me, but I continued to push my legs harder and harder off the ground. I was practically flying, and I eventually caught up to him. I looked up above me as I ran. I could see each individual branch that belonged to a tree, the different shades of green each leaf was, and the nests in the trees, and not a thing was blurred even though I was probably running at 100 miles per hour.

A giggle escaped through my mouth as I ran, which didn't slow me down one bit. I saw Zane look at me out of the corner of my eye.

"You enjoying yourself?" He said, sounding as if he were standing still.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"We're almost there." Zane said.

We had only been running for about a minute. I didn't want this to end but I did want to get out of these dirty clothes. They smelled like dirt and blood. A reminder of the unspeakable thing I had done.

Up ahead of me stood a large hill that had a massive structure on top that was made out of large gray stones and had a black wrought iron gate surrounding the perimeter of it. A gray stone walkway that led up the hill, sprawled under the gate and spread around a grand silver bowl fountain that gust out clear water. Even as far back as I was, I could see the seven color rainbow the sun's rays made as they shown down on the water. Zane and I ran up the hill and stopped in front of the gate.

"You didn't say you lived in a castle!" I said.

Zane smiled and placed his hand on the handle of the gate.

"Well, compared to some of the castles I've seen, this home would look like a small scale model of them." He said, and opened the gate doors.

As I walked through them I looked to my left and noticed there were a numerous amount of tall Oakwood trees further back. To the right there were even more trees. We walked up to the castle-like mansion and Zane pushed on the dark wooden doors, which opened with a groan.

Inside I asked, "Are we still in the woods?"

Zane looked at me. "Multiple newborn vampires living in the midst of human kind would not be very safe." He explained.

I felt my mouth gaping. "Multiple what?" I said.

Zane gestured to somewhere down the long hallway we were standing in and said "Come to my study, we have much to discuss. As I promised you."

I would have hurried to follow him into his study, but as much as I wanted answers to the multiple questions I had, I really wanted to have a shower.

"Actually I would like to bathe, and put some fresh clothes on first." I said.

He smiled again and said, "Evelyn, would you come escort Annalisse to her bedroom, she would like to clean herself up."

Instantly a girl appeared by my side. She was about two inches shorter than me, and had chestnut colored hair that went a little past her shoulders.

"Follow me." She said.

We walked down the long, passé corridor, then turned left and went up multiple steps made out of stone to get to the second floor. Evelyn pointed to the second door on my right.

"That's your room. There are clean clothes in the closet and dresser. They should fit you fine."

She then turned and disappeared. I wondered why I already had a room here and clothes when I only met Zane today. Well technically it was the night he drained the life out of me. But then it just brought up the questions that Zane had promised to answer once I was finished.

So I sighed, opened the door, and walked into the room.

The scenery changed only mildly, it was still medieval but also a little modern. It had dark wood floors which had furry rugs spread over them. A canopied bed sat on a platform on my right, that had burgundy bedspreads and curtains hanging on the overhead posts. The walls were a brighter red color with a gold fleur-de-lis pattern on them. In the middle of the room was a dark oak coffee table and just above that a sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling. The wall across from me had a wooden dresser, and next to it was a large full length mirror framed in gold. I looked at my reflection and was disgusted. Blood covered every aspect of me. It was even caked up in my hair. I looked like I had just spent weeks lost on a deserted island and had to continuously fight against rabid beasts for my life.

The bathroom door was to the left of the dresser on the far wall next to me. I shut the bedroom door. I went into the bathroom and shut its door also. Then I tore the filthy and contaminated clothes from my body and kicked off my sneakers and turned the shower on.

Being under the hot water and letting it wash all the fear and shame off of me was refreshing. I scrubbed my skin ferociously to erase all evidence of the monster I had become inside. But of course I could never erase what I'd done. I couldn't change the past. What had happened would always haunt me. No, I couldn't change the past, but I could change the future, and I forbade myself from ever harming another human again, no matter what the circumstance was. That also meant I would never let another human be harmed by anyone else, as long as I could stop it. I grasped the red ruby stone that hung on a gold chain around my neck. My father had given it me when I was very young, and I haven't taken it off since. If he'd known what I had done, he'd probably send me off with disgust, as if I was an abomination. I'd be too ashamed to even look him in the eye. Then my mother came to my mind. I certainly couldn't see her in the state I was now. Would I ever be able to see her again? Would she know something about me was different? Would I ever be able to go back to my normal life?

The possibilities were slight.

Forty five minutes of brooding in the shower was enough for me. I turned the now lukewarm water off and stepped out onto the marble floor. I noticed my previous outfit was gone and a towel had been placed on the counter. I grabbed the towel and was just about to wrap it around my body until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked up at my now clean face. My mouth dropped open. I was absolutely beauti-no. I was more than just beautiful. I was breathtaking, extraordinarily, almost eerily, dazzling! My bright blue eyes were framed by excessively long dark lashes, my use to be light olive toned skin was now pale as the moon, and my lips were full and perfect. My dark hair, now in ringlets from the water, cascaded gracefully down my torso to my belly button, which brought my attention down to my flawless slender body. I looked back up at my face and then frowned. I didn't see myself anywhere in this mirror. I was already out of character when I had slaughtered those campers, I barely remember the past few days, and now, I wasn't even myself on the outside. My identity was gone.

I wasn't Annalisse Pierce anymore, I was just this lethal beautiful being that no one would recognize.

I wrapped the towel securely around me and walked out the bathroom. I stood in front of the closet and opened the door. Dangling from hangers were designer looking dresses of different lengths and made out of several different fabrics including silk, sued, satin, cotton, linen, and some even lace. Placed on the floor under the dresses sat multiple pairs of expensive looking high heeled shoes. I groaned and walked out of the closet and went over to the dresser, hoping there would be normal clothes in there. I didn't find anything less dressy as I pulled out skirts, sweaters, slacks, and button up shirts. I opened more drawers and found small silk pajama gowns, stockings and panties and bras that looked like they came from Victoria Secret. I sighed and grabbed a black lace bra out of the drawer with matching underwear and slipped them on.

I was surprised when they fit me perfectly. I walked back into the closet and tried to pick out the most casual dress I could find. I decided on a small, simple black dress that had a little black belt that went around it. I zipped the dress up my back and buckled the tiny belt across my stomach. I bent down and picked up black pumps and prayed that I wouldn't fall flat on my face as I walked down the stairs in them. My foot slipped into the shoe with ease. Another perfect fit. I walked around in the closet a little, testing the shoes. I didn't stumble once.

I glanced down at my outfit and felt as if I was about to go to some fancy restaurant and order me The Samundari Khazana meal. I didn't care though, I was finished with my shower, which meant it was time for answers. I walked out of the closet and decided to look one last time at myself in the full length mirror. The dress fitted my body tightly, making me look much older than eighteen. I sighed once again and left the room.

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