Chapter 2: Darkness

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It had been at least twenty minutes since I had first walked into the forest. I had promised myself I wouldn't go too far, but by the time I realized I had been walking too long, I was already too deep into the woods to go back to the house. So I decided to keep walking until I reached another opening to leave the forest. My phone beeped, and I jumped, hoping it was a text from Kristen. I unlocked the screen and realized with a sickening feeling that my battery was about to die. It was at ten percent, and judging just how much battery juice this flashlight took up, I probably had about 8 minutes or so to get out of the forests before my phone shut off and I was left in total darkness.

My walking sped up. No matter where I turned though, I never felt close enough to the end of the forest. To be honest, I probably wasn't even in the middle yet. I stopped and my phone beeped again. My battery was at five percent. My breath quickened. When I first walked into the woods, my head was foggy and clouded and I was eager to find Kristen. Now, my mind was clear, and I was well aware of my surroundings, and I couldn't care less about where Kristen was, I just wanted to get out of these woods. I walked quicker, more like sprinted through the endless forest, until finally, all to soon, everything went black. My breath hitched in my throat.

I didn't move a muscle. You know how when they say, when you lose one sense, another becomes stronger? Well now that I couldn't see anything, I swear I could hear every living organism in the forest making a noise. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to slow my heart rate down. I began sprinting again, a lot slower having that I couldn't see now. When all of a sudden I sensed a dark, menacing, presence behind me. I stopped in my tracks.

I didn't breathe, I didn't blink, I don't even think my heart was beating. Even though it didn't make a sound, I knew that the presence was getting closer. I heard the faintest sound of air whooshing and I dared a look to my left and right, only moving my eyes. A low chuckle sounded above the trees. This time I could feel my heart beating. Again only moving my eyes I looked up, but saw nothing but darkness. I then heard a muffled sound, soft, like someone tossing a pillow on a carpeted floor. Another chuckle came, longer, and it was directly in front of me. I squinted and could vaguely see the broadness of the figures shoulder, and I could just make out it's masculine jaw.

The figure spoke, "What a delightful surprise."

I turned to run. It was no use though because in the same instant I turned, I ran smack into a rock hard surface, which would have knocked me back, but the figure-man-whatever, caught me and hauled me up so I could look him in the eyes. Suddenly I could see them very clear. They were inhuman, supernatural, and a bright crimson color. It was hypnotic. The man's-the creature's-face became fully visible despite the thick blanket of trees that refused to let even the smallest amount of moonlight into the woods.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from his beautiful face, it was so perfect, not one flaw visible, it was like he was carved out of stone and made into a perfect figure. His perfect lips formed a smirk, and they opened to talk.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Your blood is so appealing, it's like nothing I've ever smelled before..."

His voice was velvety and smooth, I didn't understand anything he was saying but I would listen to him talk for hours.

He began to speak again. "You will be of great use to me. I just hope you survive."

What? What did he mean survive? Survive what? I didn't have enough time to conjure what he meant by his words for he gripped the bottom of my chin and tilted it up, exposing my neck to him. He leaned in, almost as if he was about to kiss my throat, and I felt razor sharp teeth rip through my flesh and tear through my jugular. The pain was unbearable, I felt all my blood being sucked out of my body, and I became weaker and weaker, until finally my eyes rolled to the back of my head as my last drops of blood were drained from me.

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