Chapter 7: Progeny

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Zane followed me out of his study and into what was supposedly the family room. The cream marble floor was decorated with gold and silver circular patterns. The room was wide and had a high ceiling in which sparkly crystal chandeliers dangled from. The walls were colored a golden shade. I looked to my right and saw that the drapes were closed tightly around the large windows. The flames of the fire place cackled loudly on the far wall towards the left. Above the wide hearth hung a 50 inch plasma T.V. which was currently displaying a basketball game. On the tan leather sectional and large cream suede love seat and other large comfortable looking chairs sat a total of nine people. Zane's progeny. When I walked into the room, all eyes turned towards me. I recognized one, Evelyn. I was surprised to see all the young faces. Everyone here looked to be no older than nineteen. A few of the guys in the room gave me once overs, some twice overs, mouths gaping. Zane placed his hand on my back.

"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Annalisse. Our new addition to our home." He said.

In an instant, a tall guy with bulky muscles and a military style hair cut was in front of me. He had light hazel eyes and sandy brown hair. He smiled at me and said, "So, you're the Fullblood Zane's been talking about bringing here for the longest?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I said. He took my hand and kissed it.

"I'm Carter Jones, it's great to finally see you in person...uh...what was it again?"

"Annlisse." I answered him. He obviously couldn't have forgotten my name, even being a day old I knew no vampire would have forgotten something just mentioned.

His smile grew even wider, "Nice to meet you...Annalisse." He said, and let go of my hand.

I smiled at Zane and he said, "Carter is just glad to finally find another girl to flirt with because all the other females here have simply bored him." He smiled at Carter. I sensed a small amount of sarcasm in his words.

Carter shook his head. "All this time you've known me and you're still confused on my motives." He said with playfulness in his voice. He went back to his spot on the leather couch. A girl, who had long golden hair almost to her waste, spoke,

"Yeah, he's right Zane, more like, all the females in this house are bored of him." She smiled at me.

Carter gave her a menacing look, "Yeah whatever Morgan, you're just too upset no guy wants to be around you because you're always trying to get into someone's head."

Morgan rolled her eyes, "I only invade your head, smart one, because you're always pushing me to!"

"Oh really," Carter asked sarcastically, "Surree, you just do it 'cause I annoy you. Maybe you just want to get inside my head so you can mess with my emotions and then you'll be my center of attention." He said.

"That is not true!" Morgan exclaimed.

Zane looked at me. "Don't worry Annalisse, they do this everyday. It's nothing serious. It's just their way of admiring each other." He said.

"Why would I ever admire him?" Morgan said, at the same time Carter said, "The couch has more value than her." The fire was started, and it was too late to put it out.

The two continued to bicker at each other as another person, a guy, came up and made his way towards me, along with two other females. The guy had dull brown skin, probably due to the lack of blood flow, and unique brown eyes the color of milk chocolate that was just a shade lighter than his dark brown curly hair. One of the girls had light brown skin and wavy brown hair that went to the middle of her back, and hazel, almond shaped eyes which went along with her pretty heart shaped face. The other girl was just as pretty, but had pale white skin and short brunette hair just a shade lighter than mine that stopped at the base of her neck, with shaggy bangs that almost covered her bright emerald green eyes.

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