Chapter 3: Not So Peaceful Death

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I was almost 100 percent sure I was dead now, so when I finally felt myself regaining conscience of my body, I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I just lay there on the forest floor. Even though my eyes were closed, I knew it was daytime. I could feel the sun's warmth on my skin, and could see the golden sunrays through my eyelids. Maybe this is what death felt like. It was strange. I felt like I was on a bed of clouds. I didn't have a fear of anything. I didn't know where I was in this vast forest, yet I knew that I would easily find my way back home.

I tried to remember what had happened to me the night before-or however many nights ago it had been-but all I could remember was bright red eyes and a searing pain in my throat. I was in a forest, walking alone. Why was I all by my self in a forest? I flexed my fingers and toes. Everything worked fine. How was it that everything felt so natural when I was suppose to be dead? I actually didn't mind though. Everything was so calm, and peaceful. I enjoyed listening to the birds sing, and hearing the squirrels chase each other among the treetops. It was something that my father would have liked. Me and him use to lie on our backs, just as I am now, in our backyard and listen to the world around us.

That was, until he left my mom and I.

There were other sounds too, ones that I couldn't tell where they were coming from, the sounds were foreign. I smiled at the sweet scent that the flowers of the forest brought to my nostrils. I inhaled the fragrance more, which felt silly. I still hadn't opened my eyes yet, but I felt my eyebrows push together. I inhaled deeper, this time breathing through my mouth. The air whistled down my throat-almost cool-but gave no relief to my lungs. Of course-because I was dead. I still continued to breathe though, it felt natural, and each time I breathed in it was as if I could taste the lively world around me.

As the cool air continued to breeze through my throat, it became warmer. No. Not the air. My throat. It was getting warmer, hot. Now it was getting hot. I opened my eyes as a new scent passed my nose. It was so intoxicating. Every bone in my body screamed for me to search for it and consume it, because I knew that it would stop this uncomfortable feeling in my throat. But I lost focus as I stared up above me.

Looking up at the trees, I could see every line that passed through the leaves, I could see the deep chiseled marks that cut through branches and the massive trunk, I could even see the little bugs crawling around the trunk as they climbed in and out of the little holes they had for homes. In an instant I was sitting crossed legged on the forest floor, looking at the magnificent life around me as I could see everything with perfect, microscopic detail.

A gust of wind blew suddenly, sending a few strands of my dark wavy hair in front of my face, but only a small amount of my brain registered this as for the rest of me was occupied on the torturous flames burning the interior of my throat. I was thirsty. So thirsty. So thirsty that I would drink anything to extinguish the fire in my throat. Water, I needed water. But as I thought about bringing a glass of water to my lips, I felt no appeal to it. I wanted something else.

I was beginning to lose it. I thought I was dead. I shouldn't be feeling pain. I got up to my feet (a movement so sudden, you would have missed it if you blinked) and sniffed the air. I heard what sounded like a pair of hooves stomping on the ground far off to my left, and without thinking, I bolted straight towards the sound. I ran with a speed so fast everything should have been a blur of colors, but it wasn't. I could see everything with perfect clarity and detail. As I got closer to the source, I heard the sound of a tongue lapping up water, and heard the loud wet appealing thump of a heart.

My throat felt as if it had constricted. When I finally reached the animal, I saw that it was a large moose. I leaped at it and forced it on it's side onto the ground. It tried to fight against me, but I was too strong. A searing pain ripped through my gums suddenly as I opened my mouth to chomp down onto the moose's neck. I let go of the moose and clamped my hands over my mouth as I yelled out in pain. The moose attempted to get up, but whimpered. I must have broken something when I had slammed it to the ground. The pain was like a crow bar plying my gums apart as it spread from my top gums to my bottom gums.

My mouth filled with a thick sour fluid and I felt my four canines extend from my top and bottom gums. I ran my finger along them and they felt like the tips of knives. Were these fa-No. I couldn't think it. I bent down towards the moose's neck and sank my teeth into it. My new saber teeth ripped through the muscle and fat in the moose's throat like a butcher knife slicing through butter, and I drank thirstily at the thick warm liquid that coursed into my mouth. The flavor tasted strange, and even though the moose was very large, even after sucking it dry, my anhydrous throat still yearned for something more to drink.

I stood up and sniffed the air for another delicious animal to drink from. I caught the scent of the most wonderful fragrance I had ever smelled coming from a distance towards the north. I didn't know what had possessed me with the inhuman strength to do so, but instead of running, I pushed myself with all the force I had off the ground and soared into the air. I flew forward above the forest and quickly began losing velocity. I caught myself though on a tree branch. I dropped to the ground, which looked to be thirty feet below me, and landed graciously on my feet. I noticed that the dirt floor had drastically changed to gravel, traveling towards a road.

Facing the street now, I could see just across from me another green forest about twenty feet away. How far had I jumped? I must of thrown myself clear into the next woods, which was maybe, 40 yards from where I had jumped 3 seconds ago. Then another question came into my mind.


My eyes widened in horror, but then all recognition left my mind as the wonderful smell sent flames down my throat yet again. This time I ran through the forest towards the smell. I could hear laughter as I got closer. I smelled rubber, a campfire, and nylon, the fabric of which tents were made out of. I saw four people sitting together on lawn chairs twenty or so yards ahead of me. Their loud moist hearts beckoned me, and that was when I lost all control.

A part of my mind registered screams and yells. I heard the sounds of bones being cracked and broken as I yanked the friends from where they were one by one and drained them of all their blood. They tried to fight, but I was too strong, they were so easy for me to just toss into one another. One person, a guy, tried to stab me from behind with a large pointed stick. The stick pushed down onto my back but it only caused the tip of the stick to push into itself, making it dull and flat. It was as if the guy had jabbed it into a brick wall.

I yanked the stick out of his hands and threw it aside. I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the ground. A sickening crack came, and I realized I had smashed his head onto the hard forest floor. I simply turned him over and drank from his already open skull. While I was attacking everyone, I hadn't cared what happened to them in the process, I just wanted the torrid pain in my throat to be put to ease. But now as I looked around me and saw what I had done to these innocent people, I sank to the ground. I looked down at myself in shame and saw I was covered in blood and dirt. Even though my skin had been unharmed during my fight, my clothes hadn't been so lucky as my sleeves on my sweater hung from the tears at my shoulders, and my knees were caked with dirt from being exposed through the holes in my jeans.

What had I become?! First I'm running like a cheetah-faster even, next I'm pushing a massive moose onto it's side and drinking its blood, after that I'm catapulting my self yards across the sky, then attacking people and not getting even a scratch after a large pointed stick was used to puncture my gut. I'm then drinking the humans' blood like some psycho cannibalistic freak! I thought death was suppose to be peaceful. Then again, death didn't have people camping in a forest, did it? The more I thought about it, the more I started to realize I wasn't actually dead. I pressed my hand against my chest. My chest was still. I had to have been dead, my unbeating heart proved it. So now I was like some evil ghost now, the kind that haunted and killed people. I never really believed in them, but now that I was one, how could I deny the facts?

I stood up from the ground and dusted myself off and tried to compose myself. I looked around at the lifeless bodies of the four people that had once been enjoying themselves. I heard the faintest sound, almost like a small thrumming rhythm, but it was light, and quick. Almost like a beating heart that was weak but still was trying to fight. I listened and realized it was just the sound of a squirrel's heart beating as it scurried past me. I sank to the ground yet again and buried my head into my hands and cried. No one would have survived a massacre like that. They were all dead.

I was a murderer.

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