Book 1 chapter 1) The letter.

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Lucy Hale as Silvia Black.

Lucy Hale as Silvia Black

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this book apart from Silvia Black and Minnie Black

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this book apart from Silvia Black and Minnie Black. All rights go to J.K Rowling and all that stuff. I only did this cuz I was worried about getting done for copywriting so yeah! Enjoy!

 I only did this cuz I was worried about getting done for copywriting so yeah! Enjoy!

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"You missed a spot." Lucius Malfoy drawled, pointing with his highly polished shoe at a spot on the floor which had a small splatter of dirt on it. I glared up at him, dunking the sponge in the water again before viciously attacking the dirty floor.

He smirked at me triumphantly as Narcissa and Draco walked into the room, Narcissa fawning over her son proudly as he smirked down at me. Draco and I were the same age, both 11, but we were complete opposites.

His hair was sleek and blonde, mine was thick and dark. His eyes were a cold silver, mine were a deep chocolate brown. He was just plain down evil, and I wasn't. You would have thought that living in that place as a servant would have driven me insane, and I swear I was going that way if I didn't get a break soon.

"Get out. Go fetch dobby and start preparing dinner." Lucius snapped again, shooing me out of the room as if I was just a house elf. Ugh. I hate these people. I stood up, blowing a piece of my thick dark brown, almost black, hair out of my face before nodding at them, walking out of the room.

Now, the bad news is that they want me to make them dinner every day but I can't cook to save my life. The good news? I'm a witch and I have magic. Bam! Dinner! But they don't need to know I use magic to do my 'chores' as they call it. Yeah right. And I know that you cant create food out of mid air or whatever but I can transfigure stuff, something about this law of magic thingy. I don't know! I'm only 11!

Anyways, so dobby was this house elf that worked with me. We were on relatively good terms, and since I'm a master at healing spells I always heal him up when he is punished by Malfoy. I don't get punished a lot, well, I do, I'm very disobedient, but not that badly. I think the worst that has ever happened to me is the cruciatus curse. Child abuse? Yep. But the Malfoy's are too superior to be hassled by the ministry. That's what they always say anyway.

So after they had eaten their dinner and I had finished up cleaning I retired to my little corner of the attic where Narcissa oh so nicely let me stay. I really hope you noticed the sarcasm in that sentence.

Lying down on my bed, yes I was pretty surprised they let me have a bed too, I frowned in confusion when I felt something pressing against my back. I sat up and looked over my shoulder, picking up the yellowish envelope, which had a red stamp of what looked like a lion, a badger, an eagle, and a snake with a H in the middle on it.

I turned it over, reading the words etched into the parchment in fancy looking green writing.

Miss Silvia Black
The corner in the attic
Malfoy Manor

My eyebrows raised as I shrugged my shoulders, prying open the letter.

Dear Miss. Black,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st, we await your owl no later than July 31st.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonogall
Deputy headmistress.

I turned the page and found another piece of parchment underneath.


First year students will require:
- three sets of plain work robes (black)
- one plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.
- one pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
- one winter coat (black with silver fastenings.)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

All students should have a copy of each of the following.
- the standard book of spells (grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
- A history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot
- magical theory by Adalbert Waffling
- a beginners guide to transfiguration by Emeric Switch
- One thousand magical herbs and fungi by Phyllida Spore
- Magical drafts and potions by Arsenius Jigger
- Fantastic Beasts and where to find the by Newt Scamander
-The dark forces: a guide to self protection by Quentin Trimble

- 1 wand
- 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
- 1 set glass or crystal phials
- 1 telescope
- 1 set brass scales

Students may also bring and owl OR a cat OR a toad


When I had finished reading, it took a second for the information to sink in, and when it finally did I sprang to my feet with the biggest smile on my face. I ran down the stairs, not caring about the racket I was making and was most likely to be punished for later.

"What on earth do you think your are doing?" Lucius Malfoy snapped, grabbing my arm and tearing the letter from my grasp. "What's this?"

"Read it and find out." I said, making him glare at me as he pushed my backwards and looked at the letter. "Leave. Now. Go and wait in the hallway." He said, casting a side glance at his wife before pushing me out of the door before I got to say anything.

So, naturally, me being the nosy bugger I was, knelt down next to the keyhole and pressed my ear against it.

"Should we allow it?"
"I'm not sure."
"She could be useful there."
"She's never useful." Well that's just rude.
"Draco will be with her."
"I'm not worried about her safety, I'm worried about what effect this will have on the family." That hurt even more.
"Lucius, calm down. She needs an education." Praise Jesus hallelujah! Thank you Narcissa!
"Perhaps She could keep and eye on Potter."
"That's a good idea, but what about Draco?"
"He can try and make friends with the boy too. The more we figure out about Potter the more chance we have of resurrecting the dark lord."

Yikes that's scary. I pulled my ear away from the door and smirked to myself. Guess whose going to Hogwarts.

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