Chapter 3) Platform 9 3/4 and the train ride.

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September first took forever to come, and now that it was finally here I couldn't be more excited to get out of this place. I quickly got changed into a pair of grey jeans and white top which said "I ain't here to be average, I'm here to be awesome.", and pair of black knee high boots. After fixing my hair and makeup, I grabbed my trunk and went downstairs.

The Malfoy's has already left, so I waved my hand above my head and zapped myself to King's Cross Train Station behind one of the pillars. "Platform 9 3/4, platform 9 3/4, I don't see it." I muttered. Yeah, I'm talking to myself, got a problem?

I saw a bunch of redheads at one of the platforms, and I saw one of them with a wand in his hand, so I dragged my heavy trunk over to them. "Hi! Can you please tell me how to get onto the platform?" I asked, looking around them.

Two were identical, tall and lanky, both with freckles and red hair. One was small, around my age, with ginger hair, freckles, and a smudge of dirt on his nose. One was a tiny girl holding onto her mothers and hand and the other looked boring and bossy so I'm not even going to describe that one.

"Of course, dear. Just run straight at the wall." The woman holding her daughters hand said, nodding at the wall between platforms nine and ten. So a random stranger I just met tells me to run at a wall to get onto a magical platform? Seems legit. So me being me did it anyway.

Closing my eyes and preparing for impact, I charged at the wall, being pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't run into the wall, but straight through it. I opened my eyes to see a busy platform, crowded with tons of witches and wizards.

In the middle there was a huge scarlet steam engine, the words Hogwarts express written on the front. The train was billowing steam, making it hard to see five feet in front of you. I saw Narcissa and Lucius kissing their son goodbye, making me roll my eyes.

I was about to step onto the train when someone grabbed my arm harshly. "Ouch!" I yelped, glaring up into the pale, pointed face of Lucius Malfoy. People were staring at us in shock and I started to get a little uncomfortable.

"Listen to me now, girl. You are here for one thing and one thing only. Find Harry Potter, and keep a keen eye on him. If you don't, you think your life is torture now? I'll make you wish you were never even born." He snarled, pushing me backwards into the train.

I rolled my eyes. Right, now time to find a compartment.

❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️ -G
🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤 -H
💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙 -R
💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚 -S

I was wondering down the Hogwarts express before it set off, after having just put my trunk in one of the racks. I was about to set off and find myself a place to sit when Draco Malfoy and his goons barged past me, shoving me through a compartment door and onto someone's lap.

I scowled at them and climbed up quickly, turning to apologise to who I had landed on only to see a blushing Harry. "Oops, Sorry." I grimaced, standing up and rubbing my arm. "It's okay. You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, sitting down next to him. I looked across from us and there was this freckle faced red headed boy with dirt on his nose.
"Hi, I'm Ron. Ron Weasley." Ron said, blushing slightly as I shook his hand. "Silvia."

There was weird sound coming from outside the compartment, and an old lady's smiling head appeared round the corner. "Anything from the trolly dears?" She asked, wheeling a huge trolly stacked with all kinds of sweets into view. To be honest, I had never had a piece of candy before. I know, bad right?

"No thanks, I'm all set." Ron said, holding up some extremely squishy looking sandwiches. Ewww. Harry looked at me and I shook my head. I'm used to not getting much food, so I know how to survive days without it. I'm used to it.

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