Book 2 Chapter 1) Dobby's warning.

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Silvia's POV:

The pain on my face stung as I whipped around to glare at Lucius Malfoy. The end of summer was drawing up fast, and I couldn't be happier to finally leave that hell hole of a place for another year. When I had returned, the Malfoy's were treating me even worse if that was possible.

I had just gotten slapped for failing to clean the fireplace properly. I mean, it look fine to me, but apparently one speck of dust made the Malfoy's turn into some freakish everything-must-be-clean monsters.

I tossed the dustpan on the floor and stormed upstairs to my room, scowling. I was still hibernating in the attic, since I had no where else to sleep and the Malfoy's wouldn't let me crash in a spare bedroom if their life depended on it.

I sighed and looked in my mirror, seeing the large red handprint on my cheek. I snarled at it before collapsing on my bed, my face stuffed into the pillow. Could my life get any worse?

"Miss Silvia?" A little voice squeaked from the entrance, and I turned my head to see Dobby the house elf staring at me with big, emerald eyes, which reminded me of Harry. I hadn't revived any letters from him this year. Not one. Ron and Hermione had mailed me a couple of times, but I still missed Harry.

"Miss Silvia, Dobby needs to speak to Miss Silvia very urgently, Madam." Dobby said as he closed the door behind him, standing in front of me. He was only about waist height, and since I had grown a bit over the summer he was even shorter now.

I hadn't changed much except for the fact that I cut my hair. It used to be down by my butt, but it got in the way so I cut it up to a bit shorter than elbow length, making it a lot easier to handle. I had lost a bit of that stupid baby fat on my face, and I had grown about two inches.

"What's wrong Dobby?" I asked the whimpering elf, who was hovering around my ankles. Without warning, he burst into tears, head in his hands. "Dobby, what's wrong? Did the Malfoy's hurt you again?" I asked quickly, bending down to his height.

"Miss Silvia Black must not return to Hogwarts this year! She can't! There is a plot to make terrible things happen at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Miss Silvia Black will be in terrible danger if she goes!"

I blinked at him with a blank expression. "Your joking, right? Dobby, Hogwarts is my home. You know how they treat me here, Hogwarts is the only place where I feel I belong, the only thing that keeps me from going insane! I have to go, Dobby."

His tears seemed to increase and his glassy eyes blinked up at me. "Dobby must warn Harry Potter! Dobby came to fetch Miss Silvia so she can accompany him!" Dobby whimpered, drying his tears on the ragged pillow case he wore.

"We're going to see Harry?" I asked, straightening up and smiling brightly. Dobby nodded ecstatically, and my smile seemed to grow even more. The thought of seeing Harry again after a whole four weeks of being apart was beyond exciting, and I couldn't help but daydream about if he had changed over the summer or if he had gotten taller and even more handsome, if that was possible.

Dobby wrapped his bony fingers around my hand, and we both disappeared with a loud crack, me completely forgetting that I was wearing my maids outfit, a black dress and that stupid white apron.

We appeared with another crack in a small room, which was rather messy. There was a single bed which was unmade, a chest of draws, a wardrobe, and one window. The only thing that gave me a clue that it might belong to Harry was the large Gryffindor poster above the bed and Hedwig, who was hooting at me from inside her cage on the set of draws.

Dobby made a move towards the door, but I stopped him and made him sit down on the bed instead. Less than one minuet later, Harry walked into the room. I was right, he had changed. His hair was more messy, his eyes bright, and he had grown. He seemed even more handsome than he did before.

Forbidden Love: (a Harry Potter love story.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora