Chapter 10) Quidditch

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I own Harry Potter. Ha ha omg I'm kidding. I wish I did tho. All rights to HP go to J.K Rowling, I only own my original characters.

When November came the weather was getting colder and colder. The mountains around the school were icy grey and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from upstairs windows, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch Pitch, bundled up in his ugly moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves and enormous beaver skin overcoats.

The Quidditch season had begun, at long last. On Saturday, Harry and I would be playing in our first ever match.  Gryffindor vs Slytherin. If Gryffindor won we would move up to second place in the House Championship.

Hardly anyone had seen us play because wood was being annoying and insisted we practice at night, meaning less food and less sleep. And I value my food and sleep very much. People were either telling us that we would be great, or that they would be running around underneath us carrying a mattress.

Harry was dead grateful to have Hermione as a friend now. She really helped with both of our homework, and had let Harry borrow Quidditch Through The Ages.

A bonus was that Hermione had also been more relaxed about breaking rules since the troll incident. The day before the Quidditch match we were outside in the freezing courtyard at break, I had conjured up a small blue portable flame in a jar which we could move around with us.

We were standing with our backs to it, getting warm, considering we weren't entirely sure it was allowed outside. Unfortunately, Snape being the nosy git he was wanted to take points off us for something, so he came over and confiscated Harry's Quidditch Through The Ages claiming that Library Books weren't allowed outside the castle walls.

Am I the only one that noticed he was limping? No? Okay good. "Wonder what's wrong with his leg?" Harry asked, making us all shrug. "Dunno. But I hope it's really hurting him." Ah, sometimes Ron says the best things.

That evening, the Gryffindor common room was jam packed and noisy. We were all sat together next to a window, Hermione checking Ron's charms homework and me checking Harry's, who was sat next to me watching me with a smile as I tucked a piece of dark brown hair behind my ear.

Harry said something about going to get his book back from Snape right as Hermione and I finished checking their homework for them. I sat on the floor, Hermione behind me on the chair playing with my hair.

Less than five minuets later, Harry came bursting in, looking extremely pale and nervous. I patted my hair and felt a nice braid. I smiled at Hermione and moved the braid over my shoulder, turning back to Harry. "What's up?"

In a whisper, Harry explained what had happened. How he went down there to get his book and caught Filch bandaging Snape's leg and Snape muttering about how "it's impossible to keep your eye on all three heads at once!"

"You know what that means? Snape tried to get past the tree headed dog on Halloween. That's where he was when me and Ron saw him. He's after what it's guarding. And I'd bet my broomstick he let the troll in, to create a diversion." Harry finished breathlessly.

Gotta admit, it did make sense. Hermione's eyes were wide as she shook her head. "No. No he wouldn't. I know he's not very nice but he wouldn't try to steal something that Dumbledore's guarding."

"Honestly, Hermione, you think all teachers are saints of something. I'm with Harry on this one. wouldn't put it past him, evil git." I scoffed, standing up and putting down the charms homework. I went to bed that night with my stomach twisted in a tight knot, nervous about the two facts that I had my first Quidditch match in a few hours and that someone, *cough cough* Snape *cough cough* was trying to steal something incredibly valuable that could probably blow up the world. Hey, don't judge my imagination, I didn't have my cup of coffee this evening.

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