Chapter 2) Diagon Alley

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A/N: all rights go to J.K Rowling, I only own Silvia Black and Minnie Black so plz don't do me for copywriting. Enjoy!

"Get dressed, now. You can finish cleaning later". Narcissa spat, making me roll my eyes and stand up. I was halfway through cleaning the drawing room for the second time that day, the first time Draco had come back in wearing muddy boots, splattering mud all over the floor and making me clean it up and then polish his shoes.

I went up to my corner of the attic and used wandless magic to start getting ready. Yes, I can do wandless magic already. Cool, right? I waved my hand over my head and zapped myself into a pair of ripped denim jeans and a grey tank top which said "don't do dis." on it. I ran a brush through my long hair, making sure it fell just around the bottom of my back in loose curls like I wanted it too. I applied little makeup including lipgloss, mascara, liner, and a little eyeshadow. Done!

I pulled on my brown boots and bounced down the stairs, meeting an impatient looking Malfoy family at the bottom. "Hurry up. Get out, now." Lucius said, pushing me out of the huge doors and making me trip down the stairs. Great, another bruise.

Reluctantly taking their hand, we all apparated to Diagon Alley. The place was beautiful, hundreds of shops lining the cobblestone paths, filled with all kinds of wonderful things that all wizards and witches could only dream of.

I was snapped out of my little daydream by Lucius Malfoy whacking me around the shoulders with his cane, making me stumble forwards and keep walking. I was getting a few sympathetic and horrified looks on the way.

"Go get your school supplies and meet us back at the manor." Narcissa said, not even looking back as she hurried Draco towards into the crowd, followed by her husband. Great, the first thing they do when we get here is to just leave a helpless 11 year old in the middle of a crowded street where anything can happen. Real genius.

I wandered around aimlessly for about half an hour, taking in the beauty of the place before I was almost knocked over by someone. "Oof!" I yelped, almost stumbling if it wasn't for someone grabbing me by the waist quickly to stop me from falling.

I looked up to see a really huge man with a shaggy beard and small, kind eyes. The boy who had broken my fall, however, had messy black hair, round glasses, and the most gorgeous eyes ever!

I blushed madly and stepped backwards, smiling at the two of them. "Are you okay?" The boy asked, the huge man still apologising for bumping into me. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm Silvia." I said, shaking hands with him.

"I'm Harry. And this is Hagrid." Harry said, pointing up at the half giant behind him and smiling at me. Don't blush don't blush don't blush! I'm blushing. "Are you going to Hogwarts this year too?" I asked, gesturing to the letter he had in his hands.

"Yeah, first year." We continued to talk for 10 minuets before I said goodbye, walking into Gringotts Wizarding Bank with a huge smile on my face. After grabbing a bunch of money from my own vault, I headed to the shops.

First I got my robes from this place called Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. When I walked in I was met with a kind elderly woman who pushed me onto a stool and started measuring around my waist. "What are you doing here, servant." Someone asked from beside me, making me turn my head to see Draco Malfoy.

Before I could answer, Harry walked in with a smile on his face right as she finished measuring me. "Hello. Hogwarts too?" Malfoy asked, making Harry nod his head. "My mothers up the street looking for wands and my father is next door buying my books. Then I'm going to drag them off to look at the racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own broom. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and then smuggle it in somehow." Malfoy drawled in a bored voice, making me roll my eyes at him.

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