Chapter 2) At Flourish and Blotts.

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All rights to Harry Potter go to JK Rowling. I only own my original characters.

"Get up. Get up! We're going to Diagon Alley, now." Narcissa hissed, shaking my shoulders to wake me up. I groaned, sitting up and glaring at the door, which she had previously made her exit.

I rolled my eyes, climbing out of my uncomfortable bed before looking in the mirror, getting changed into a pair of high waisted black shorts and a pale blue tank top with the word Dream written across it since it was still summer. I ran a brush through my wavy hair, having showered the day before, and applied some natural makeup with some peach lipgloss and pale blue eyeshadow to match my top.

I pulled on some black pumps before grabbing my wand and stuffing it behind my ear, walking downstairs. The Malfoy's, no surprise, had already left, so I waved my hand over my head and watched as the Manor disappeared behind me, being replaced with the warm scenery of Diagon Alley.

As soon as I found my footing I was attacked in a huge bear hug by someone with extremely bushy brown hair. I pulled back, being met with the smiling face of Hermione Granger. "Silvia! Your here! Why didn't you answer any of my letters?"

"Ugh, long story." I sighed, linking my arm through hers and walking into the crowded streets. "How was your summer?" I asked, and she immediately seemed to brighten. "Oh! Fantastic! I went abroad with my parents and we only just came back!" That explains the tan.

I would have continued the conversation, had Hermione not spotted a very sooty and out of breath Harry walking with Hagrid, who seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. "Harry! Harry! Over here!" Hermione called, catching his attention. He beamed at us and came running, hugging the two of us tightly. Hermione smirked at me when I blushed, making me stick my tongue out at her.

"What happened to your glasses? Hello, Hagrid... oh it's wonderful to see you three again... are you coming to Gringotts?" Hermione asked, and since I had nothing else to do, I quite happily agreed.

"As soon as I've found the Weasley's, yeah." Harry replied, searching around for the red headed family. Before I could join him in his search, I was lifted off the ground by two smirking red headed twins. "Put me down!" I laughed as Fred slung me over his shoulder.

"Why would we do that? Having a whole summer without our pranking buddy was horrible, I tell you." Fred snickered, tossing me to George like I was a rag doll and making me squeal. "Yeah, Fred's not half as good as thinking of stuff as you are." George laughed, placing me back down.

Harry and Hermione laughed at me as I smacked the two of them upside the head. We were soon joined the rest of the Weasley clan, all of us walking down the streets towards Gringotts. "Harry, we hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Where did you come out?" Mr. Weasley asked, and I automatically presumed they were talking about Floo Powder.

"Knockturn Alley." Harry replied, making me grin as Ron, Fred and George turned to Harry with jealous expressions. "Brilliant! We've never been allowed in."
"I should ruddy well think not." Hagrid growled.

"Well, gotta be off. See yer at Hogwarts!" Hagrid, who was having his hand shaken vigorously by Mrs. Weasley ("Knockturn Alley! If you hadn't found him, Hagrid!") said, smiling at us all before rounding the corner and vanishing from sight.

Harry told us all about what had happened at Borgin and Burkes, this creepy shop in Diagon Alley, and about how he had hidden from Draco and Lucius Malfoy, who were selling mysterious artefacts. "So he's worried. Oh I'd love to get Lucius Malfoy for something." Arthur, Ron's father, said with grim satisfaction.

"You be careful, Arthur. That family's trouble. Don't go biting off more than you can chew." Mrs Weasley scolded was we were ushered through the marble doors of Gringotts by a bowing goblin. "So you don't think I'm a match  for Lucius Malfoy?" Arthur asked indignantly, but was immediately distracted by Hermione's parents, who were muggles. Mr. Weasley was greatly fascinated by muggles, so it wasn't really a surprise to anyone except the Grangers when he started fangirling over a ten pound note.

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