A Boy and a Girl together... something fishy??

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We live in the 21st century now! But do we or rather I would say people around us are actually living in this 21st century! YES, NO, MAYBE??

We say we live in 21st century, but when a boy and a girl goes out together or hangout together, why does always everyone thinks that there's something fishy going on between both of them?? Most of us must have experienced such mentality at some or other stage. 

Am I right?


Am I wrong?

I myself have experienced this thing. 

You know manier times what happens, our parents really don't mind that we hangout with some boys because they trust us. But if someone (our relatives or our mom's friend or dad's friend or neighbour or etc) sees us outside in some cafe or some park with a guy, they immediately go to our parents saying....

"Hey, I just saw your daughter with some guy at so and so place. I think you should keep a watch on her or else she will get spoiled, and blah blah blah....."

And this provokes our parents to think in a wrong way! And then all the trouble begins...

We can't actually blame our parents for this because this is what they have learnt since their childhood and thats what they are implementing in the real life. But still its wrong. May be parents can sit with their children and solve such kind of issues with proper and frank discussion instead of directly doubting and blaming their children. 


Here, Shalini1801 wants to voice her words on this similar kind of issue. She says:

I want to speak about people's mentality when they see a girl or a boy together they think they are a thing.

Are they a thing?

One month ago I was having a walk with my elder brother in a garden. We are often mistaken as boyfriend - girlfriend by the people. Though they don't tell us that but its clearly visible on their faces. As we were walking, I was about to slip when he held me protectively so that I won't fall. Just then each and every lady in that park were watching us. As soon we saw them looking at us my brother got embarrassed. He said walk carefully. It irritated me so much...like we are siblings how can they even think of something else!

Thats when an idea popped in my head. I walked alongside my brother and faked that I was going to slip and once again he held me protectively. Again the aunties and uncles watched us carefully.

I said,

Auntie Bhai hai mera. Aap kuch aur mat samjho." (Translation: Auntie, he is my brother, don't think of something else.)

 As soon as I said that auntie replied,

Nhi beta humne kuch thode hi kaha hai? " (Translation: No child, did we say anything to you?)

I answered,

" I know what were you people thinking...."

But before I could say anything else my brother pulled away me from there. He than scolded me for my behavior.

Also people have faced such type of situations in the school as well. When a girl is talking to a boy or vice versa, teachers think something else and starts keeping a watch on each and every action of those kids. This is seriously unbelievable. What type of mentality are they living with?.

Sometimes when my male friends call me my whole family sees me like who is he? And who is he to you? And even though I made it clear that they are just like my brothers. They don't get that. Especially my brother and dad.

Even though I have written this, but sometimes when I see a girl and a boy of same age sometimes I also ask myself are they a thing?

That's it. All I want to say is stop thinking about what others are doing, don't judge anyone without knowing anything about them. Stop poking your nose everywhere. 


A   S P E C I A L   T H A N K   Y O U   T O   :

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