Let's maintain peace!

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❝ Out of the frying pan and into the fire ❞

Isn't this our current situation?

Things are going from bad to worse.

Well, now you would ask me what exactly I am talking about!

Okay, let me clear your doubts. I came across few books on wattpad (I am not gonna mention them) promoting hatred.

Like seriously, hatred!

Obvious question would be, what is this hatred about? Well, its about rivalries. Yes. You read it right. RIVALRIES. Inter-caste rivalries, inter-country rivalries and what not.

Firstly, guys Wattpad is a very friendly social site where you can share your work with avid readers, make friends. But it surely is not a site to promote hatred.

Secondly, we talk about equality, don't we?

Again, let me make this very clear, I am not talking about men-women equality this time.

To answer the previous question, I would say, yes we always talk about equality, rather we actually demand for it.

Now, what is equality in this case? I would say, equality is treating each and every person equally and with due respect irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, gender, country, color, etc. 

Getting back to the main point, what those books actually included? Just hatred. Seriously. Just hatred. One person criticizing someone else by his/her religion in a very disrespectful way, claiming themselves to be better than others. I have came across such books before as well. But what i saw today, literally boiled my blood and hence I decided to write about it. A guy was criticizing other religion, and not just that much, he posted a picture of a girl saying that "I'll show you only one girl of xyz religion. They are really ugly, you will literally die." His words, not mine. No one has the right to judge someone by the appearance in any sort of way, may it be skin tone, or dressing, or body structure). Also, before criticizing someone else's religion, please try to think whether your own religion supports such hatred. No religion supports such things, seriously. The prime motive of all religions is to spread love, that's it.     

Is there any use of doing such things? Such books and people do nothing but create social unrest. Here, people are trying to pacify things and such people are just setting back the fire.

Let's take a very common example of India-Pakistan issues. There are issues between these two countries, very severe issues actually. One of the main reason behind these issues is 'Hindu-Muslim' rivalries. But does that mean that the citizens of India should hate people from Pakistan? Or the citizens of Pakistan should hate people from India? Aren't those humans too? Before evolution of all these religions, always remember, there was only one caste, religion named 'humans'. I am from India, I am Hindu. I have so many Muslim friends here on Wattpad. And trust me, we all respect each other, each others' religion. I don't find any difference between them and me. Then why to create such big issues? 

So guys, let's keep all the rivalries behind and try to maintain a friendly and peaceful environment, not only on Wattpad, but outside Wattpad too. 


A special thanks to om_namah_shivaya to help me write this! :)

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