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The boy's short hair was uncommon as his horsemen led him to the village.
"Sir, this might not be the best idea."
"Relax Vincent this will be fine."
"Alright Blake, I'm told to return back now."
"Be gone then." The boy smirked not turning to say good bye as he made is way to a nice looking house.
He knocked a few times when a man who seemed to be far older then him opened the door.
"Hello sir." Blake charmed.
"Hello, what reason have you come?" The blonde man questioned.
"Well it seems my village had just been sabotaged and I need someplace to stay."
The man observed the young boy for a while before giving a hesitant smile.
"Come my boy, you shall be one of my own." Blake smirked but hid his head low.
"I'm Mikael. What's your name boy?"  
"I'm Blake Mercy." He smirked shaking the taller mans hand.
"Boys! Rebekah!" Mikael called as six people entered the room, only the girl and the small boy looking younger then him.
"Children this is Blake Mercy, he will be staying with us from now on.
Blake smirked seeing the blonde haired girl.
"Hello my lady." Blake smirked bowing and kissing her hand.
Rebekah blushed and laughed slightly.
"Hello sir, I'm Rebekah."
Blake smiled once more before moving on to the younger boy.
"How are you little one?" He smiled.
The little boy laughed.
"I'm Henrik!" He laughed making Blake smile.
He then moved on to a man who looked a year or so older then himself.
"Hello mate, I'm Kol." The boy's crooked smirk made Blake give one of his own.
"Blake." The two shook hands as Kol felt a spark shoot up his arm.
He moved onto the much older looking one.
"Finn." He said monotone as Blake did the same.
He then moved on to the last two brothers who seemed to be complete opposites.
"I'm Niklaus, this is my eldest brother Elijah." The blonde smirked.
"It's a pleasure to meet you my lords." Blake smirked  holding eye contact with a conflicted Elijah.
"Pleasures all ours." Elijah said and Blake noticed just how amazing all of their accents were.
"And here is my wife Esther." Mikael said a blonde women now by his side.
"Thank you for letting me stay Miss." Blake smirked bowing.
"Of course. You're part of this family now." She smiled.
"Elijah please show the boy to a room."
Mikael smiled as Elijah nodded.
"Come along." Elijah said with a blank expression as he and Blake walked through the house
"You're a quite one yes?" Blake questioned closing the door behind him as he and Elijah stepped in the room.
"You could say so." Elijah shrugged not turning to face him.
"Well my sister always did say watch out for the quiet ones." Blake smirked.
Elijah, who was about three inches taller then Blake, turned around quickly somewhat of a smirk on his face.
"And why might that be?"
"Because they are the ones with the loud side they want to let out." Blake took a step closer to Elijah until the older boy was against the wall.
Elijah didn't know what made his heartbeat speed up but it was probably the same thing the made his breath hitch.
Blake stood smirking at Elijah for what felt like hours before he spun on his heel and walked out like nothing had happened.

Niklaus saw Blake wandering down the halls of his house and smiled walking up to him.
"Hello there."
"Hello Lord Niklaus." Blake smirked as Niklaus fell in step beside him.
"There is one thing I cannot decide." Blake sighed.
"And what is that?" Niklaus questioned.
"Which one of you Mikaelson's has the wildest side." Blake smirked seeing the same thing that happened to Elijah come over Niklaus.
"Until I see you again Nik." Blake smirked before striding off and leaving Niklaus in the dust.

"What a lovely flower." Blake smiled coming up behind Rebekah who looked at some flowers before turning to him.
"They are aren't they." She smiled brightly.
"Well I've seen prettier things." Blake shrugged coming to her side and realizing how short the girl was.
"Like what?" Rebekah smiled.
"Like you." Rebekah blushed a deep color while Blake pressed a lingering kiss to her knuckles.
"See you around Bekah."

Lastly there was Kol. Blake found him in the woods by a small stream.
"Why Hello there." Blake smirked seeing as Kol was doing the same.
"Ah, Mr. Mercy, what do I owe the pleasure?" Kol stood greeting the boy.
"Just thought you could use company." Blake smirked as Kol took a step closer to him.
"You're nothing but trouble aren't you?" Kol questioned as Blake smirked.

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