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Blake had been lying on the couch when he felt it.
He stay up as he began coughing, choking more like it.
He felt something in his throat grabbing at it quickly as he pulled.
Blake grasper onto a rope as he pulled it and pulled it.
It seemed to be never ending as he gagged and gasped for air his eyes watering.
"Little brother."
Quetsiya clicked her tongue shaking her head as Blake finally got the roped out of his throat.
The boy heaved over coughing as tears leaked from his eyes.
A reflex of choking, which he usually wouldn't do.
"You're so disappointing out there."
She sighed.
"What are you doing here?"
Blake huffed regaining his breath.
"Keeping an eye on you. You're being quite the emotional mess lately."
His sister scoffed, no emotion on her face.
"Funny I though you took those away from me."
Blake glared, still kneeling on the ground.
"So did I."
She glared vacantly at him.
"What do you want Quetsiya?"
Blake sighed tiredly closing his eyes.
"I want the same thing I wanted all those years ago. For you to feel what I feel."
Blake opened his hazel eyes staring her down.
"Wake up brother."

With a gasp Blake shot off the couch looking at his surroundings.
"Woah are you okay?"
Stefan rushed over to Blake placing a hand on his chest.
"It's uh- Quetsiya."
Blake grumbled out, distracted by Stefan's hand on his chest.
Stefan furrowed his eyebrow as Caroline, Damon, and Elena watched in confusion.
More confusion then when they walked into the boarding house to see Blake's head resting on Stefan's lap as he slept.
"She uh, if I do something she doesn't like she shows up in my dreams. It's only happened a few times but-"
Blake took a deep breath cutting himself off.
Stefan stared at the boy in worry as he took deep breaths.
"What did she do?"
Elena asked curiously.
"Just threatened me some more."
Blake sighed sitting back down slowly.
Stefan sat beside him looking down at his phone as it buzzed.
"Uh Blake, Klaus said 'Kol is out.'"
Stefan read the text with furrowed eyebrows as Blake gaped. 
In an instant he was out of the boarding house bursting into the mansion,
how in the hell had Kol lost before Elijah did?
"Excuse me but what the fuck?"
Blake's eyes were wide as he stared at Elijah and Klaus in question.
"I'm afraid he's fallen for the Gilbert."
Klaus rolled his eyes as Elijah grinned.
"But Elena's dating Damon isn't she?"
"Did he say it was Elena?"

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