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"What the hell?"
Blake pressed his fingers to his temples.
Unfortunately Elijah and Rebekah had talked the boy into going to the boarding house to ask Stefan on a date.
"Uh, hey Blake."
Stefan smiled opening the door.
"Hey Stefan, uh Niklaus made me come over here to ask if you wanted to get a drink sometime. With me?"
Blake was straight to the point, not wanting to waste his time.
Stefan laughed bitterly, glaring at Blake.
"What makes you think I'd ever do anything with you? You're a monster."
Stefan glared, slamming the door in Blake's face.
Blake scoffed turning to walk away.
"Oh brother, what pain you must feel."
Quetsiya appeared in front of her brother.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Blake took a deep breath, something in his chest feeling as if it was on fire.
"You're a cruel monster who's only purpose is to kill."
Quetsiya hissed as Blake fell to the ground, his veins feeling as if they were on fire.
"No one could ever care for you and your only purpose is to be a slave to me."
Quetsiya chuckled as Blake squeezed his eyes shut.
"Brother, I believe it's time for you to remember what it feels like. Love, sadness, and overwhelming guilt."
Quetsiya chuckled, placing her hands on the sides of the boy's head.
"What's happening to me?"
Blake hissed out, his head suddenly feeling heavy on his shoulders.
"You've has no emotion for centuries. Now it's all coming back at once."

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