Chapter 1: "Old Stuck!"

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A young Japanese goddess is alone sitting in front of a crystal water lake. Her forlorn gorgeous eyes are roaming every inch of the magnificent beauty of nature. The diverse shades and miscellaneous types of flowers glamorizing the surroundings illustrate why mother nature is the best gardener of all. And it seems mother nature wanted to add the profession music conductor in her resume because the melodious chirps of birds in the sky and the humming of the mere cold wind surely entertain not just the ears but also the cheeks of the Aphrodite lass. Laid beside her are a tablet and a bunch of letters.

Once she was awoken from her seemingly paradise feeling, her brown orbs were set back to the letters next to her. The worn color and tatty quality of each piece could give us the description that they were written longer than yesterday. She looked at it for a little while before her eyes wander to a tree not far from her location, alongside its trunk is a small shallow pit where she found the old letters locked in an antique wooden box. She was just trying to plant a certain kind of flower when she discovered the said thing. There, in those old letters carries the silent messages of love wrote by the author to a beauty queen he named as Winter's Crown.

"Tsk! Fool! You're such an old fashioned weirdo Chaeyoung." She exclaimed as if she's talking to the author directly.

"Well, well, perhaps it was the trend during your time, so I can't blame you. But I want to thank you though, thank you for teaching me what it means... pure love sounds good. You see, for someone like me who belongs to a broken home, love never existed. No one showed me, nor told me what it means. You know what! My parents got into forced marriage because of me. They never wanted me in the first place so which is why rumble here and there then riot in the next morning. My life is completely fucked up! Apart from the unwanted me and the stranger like parents, my second home is the hospital, my health is poor. Thank God, my doctor is cute or else goodbye happiness! It's our secret okay. And because you entertain me with your letters, let me serve as the medium to express your love to her. This is a high-tech era, you just need the internet Man!"

She opened her tablet and start writing the content of the first two letters in her blog. She is a famous blogger under the pen name Clumsy Squirrel.


Post Title: Letters for Winter's Crown (First Letter)

20**- June

To my Winter's Crown,

'You're too early for tomorrow!!!', the strict professor yelled at me. I got a welcome scold on my first day of HS class. Surely, I was embarrassed in front of my new classmate and supposed to be mad, but I can't reprimand myself from smiling. Coz today, I saw a Beauty with a wonderful heart.

There was a poor kitten across the street. It was wet and silent in the middle of the rain. Maybe it was tired of asking help from the people who were passing through and just ignored her or his maybe? I was on my way to help the kitten, but from nowhere, a Beauty entered and rescued the helpless cat. You hold it with so much care and your face is undeniably worried. You took the handkerchief on your head, and slowly rub it to wet fur of the kitten. The handkerchief was part of your fashion I guessed, but you quickly removed it for you knew the kitten need it more than yourself. You even messed your hair because of that but didn't mind at all. When the kitten's fur dried, you hold it so close to your heart, inside the jacket you are wearing, to warm it perhaps? The kitten was dirty, but you're hugging it without hesitation. From then on, my belief changed, I thought pretty girls cares only about their beauty. Thank you for proving me wrong.

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