Chapter 3: "Beside Yet Afar"

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Mina did everything she could to find out the real name of My Classic. His name is Chaeyoung, people usually called him CY. Known to be mysterious and has sharp wits. His cold appearance and sarcastic retorts enchanted many girls in the University. His smile is also known to be numbered. Although he might be mordant in words, but his actions are always contrasting with it. He might appear arrogant, but he's actually modest.

The young Japanese is now in her third year of high school and it is the starting day of the school year. At the gate, her suitors are already waiting for her. Their tenacity and stalking are sometimes too much that it pissed the stunning lady. They are stealing her chances to watch her ultimate crush from afar.

Mark opened the door of her car, he is the popular basketball MVP, but besides playing the sport, he also plays the girls' hearts. A beauty queen like Mina is his favorite target and the lass memorized that script of him so well. Jaebum took her bag, her dance partner since first year. He is nice, but conceited, a major turn off for the elegant goddess. Then here comes Dahyun, gentleman and religious. She got no problem about his behavior, except for the fact, that he is the bestfriend of the guy whom she adore so much. Those three are a few of her many suitors in the open field because some are milksop (coward) to approach her. Perhaps it's because her suitors are normally eye candies, rich kids, and popular which makes it hard for the average ones to defeat. Yet despite of their good looks, social status and popularity, Mina prefer this certain lad whose world is surrounded by books, music and riddles. Observing him for so long awarded the Black Swan with some familiarity.

Most boys will choose to get soaked in the rain, but Chaeyoung always have an umbrella in his bag. Cute isn't it?

Others will pick to unwind in the basketball court, but he sticks in the Library and Music Room instead. Weird but it's cool tho!

They'll ride the car, but he chose the bike. He loves mother nature, why not?

He has a medicine ready in his pocket, but she has yet to see the guy taking at least one capsule. Yeah! I haven't seen him taking it. He's not an addict tho!

And I will really appreciate if Mina will give me my moment to shine. Stop intruding me! Arasso, mianhae author-nim. I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Yah!!! This is Classic in Winter's Crown not Nothing Hill! Oppsss... author-nim is mad. Ciao!

Thank God! The penguin left. Where are we? Uhmm, yeah...

As you can see in her interruptions that I don't really appreciate, in fact, I hate it! Because of her, I forgot my dramatic intro huhuhu... Anyway everything that Chaeyoung does is cute or cool for her. It just shows that the ballerina's heart is fixed to accept him. I feel sorry for her other suitors.

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