Chapter 10: "Sweet in Bitter"

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"If you leave me, I will die." She said like a fallen leaf.

The heavy rain then suddenly falls, the cold wind envelop their bodies. There's no background music except the tune of the downpour.

I will die too...

If Mina could only hear these words from the depth of Chaeyoung's heart, then she wouldn't have decoded his tears in the wrong category.

"Does she remind you of the rain?" Another glum question that is breaking her guts into pieces.

She was ready to confess, unfortunately she thought those sad fluids meant for that girl, that person who broke his heart. It was still vivid in her memory, how the lad cried in front of the whole class because of that girl. The girl who left the scar on his handsome face, the girl he had forgiven despite of its fault. Although Mina doesn't know her, she envies that girl the most.

You are so lucky, whoever you are.

(Hope you still remember Chapter 5.)

Chaeyoung removed the tears on his visage and smile as he elucidate.

"I saw her again in the rain, the girl I've been missing for years. At first I'm not sure if it was really her, but I am now. Isn't it ironic, falling twice with the same girl?"

Ouch! My Classic stop torturing me with those sweet words. Because no matter how sweet they are, it tastes bitter knowing they're not for me.

"But isn't it more ironic to fall for someone who will never catch you in spite of your million efforts to send him the signal?"

She doesn't know, where did her aptitude came from, yet she managed to spill them from her lips and shut the tears that almost escape from her eyes.

"Then maybe, we are both late. Might be we are too slow to enter into their lives or perhaps we're both destined to be that way."

Am I really late, My Classic?

"Mina! My princess... thank God you're safe." The two were surprised by the sudden appearance of a man.

"Dad." Mina was glad to see his father. The latter then rushed in front of her daughter.

Classic in Winter's Crown [MiChaeng] (CWC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat