Chapter two Leona

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'My life is just messed up! After everything I do, it all always seems to come back no matter what I do. After what happened to me and my family, I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I should just die. Even If I do kill myself no one would care either way. I just hate myself so much.'

I wrote down in a jornal. I take a deep breath. I go to the fire place in the house, tear out the paper and trow it in the fire.

I had to leave. I couldn't stay here no more. I'm always wondering off either way.

I take off my apron and put it on the table near the fire place. I had chances to leave and come back, but this time...theres no turing back.

Mrs. Welt wouldnt miss me. Shes out just to come back to see me gone.

I open the door. As I look out, I take my first steps out. 'This is it.' I thought. I wont be back, even if I wanted to.

It is the afternoon and I'm walking outside with my brown boots. Im also wearing a white yellow stripped sleeve shirt. I pull my short blond hair back with my hands using my legs to hold on to the non fur blue blanket Im taking.

It is a peaceful afternoon-

''Guards! Get him!"

'What is it this time?' I asked myself as I got closer to a crowd to look at the guards.

There was a chase between the kings guards and the long black haired guy again. Yes, this is nothing new. Its all the guards do now a days.

I always hear about him, but I wonder...What did he do to cause this drama? I mean I know the king is mad at him, but what did he do?

It's also pointless that he keeps trying to chase and catch him, he never gets him anyway. I dont see why anyone bothers anymore. I just think he's lucky to escape, heck, he's lucky he's alive.

I lose interest in the chase. I walk into the woods.

I was living in a house as a servant but I was just kicked out a while back for being clumsy and useless, and Mrs. Walt gave me a week to get out. I wasnt allowed to use the hot water nor get new clothes during the week.

I took an old blanket that was given to me before I left the house to sleep some where outside. Ive been kicked out before and have slept out before, dont see anything wrong anymore. People like me belong in the dirt.

The sun starts to set.

I walk straight into the woods, behind a house.

'Goodnigth' I said to the people above me in the sky. My parents would of been "proud" seeing me here.

I open my eyes, relief.

It's always scary sleeping all alone especially in the dark. Espesally in the woods too! You never know what'll happen. Its not just the things in the outside that pop up, but the things in your head. I'm always so lonely and depress, my thoughts spread like fire, buring me up. My thoughts bring out the worst in me, and I hate them so much.

I stare into the sky. The sun is rising, making every so bright. I am used to waking up, making my bed, and do whatever Mrs. Walts says. But Its not like that anymore.

In my old place I was also always forced to do something, so sleeping wasn't always an option for me and when It was, I was always afraid what life would hand me the next day.
I once stayed up late just to do all my chores in one day; cleaning, shopping, fixinging....I may not sound hard, but the task was.

I try to cover myself with the blanket and moving close to the spots the tree made their shawdows. I actually dragged myself, and got some dirt in the blanket and all over me. I did say b people like me belong in the dirt.

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