Chapter eight home

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Maxs p.o.v
That ungrateful bitch left me without even thanking me! Is she really that stupid?

After everything I did for her after, this is what I get in return? Whatever I'm done with this.

"How did it go?" Jenna happens to appear, She was on top of a tree branch.

"How'd it go, buddy?" She said as she uses her legs to hang from the branch. She upside down.

"What do you think?" I said.

"Aw honey, come here! It's not my fault you have such bad luck with woman." She swings herself a bit back in forward. Jenna Is a very nice caring friend but sometimes she can be a bitch.

"Stop it, you're not helping," I said still frustrated.

"Aw, did she hurt your feeling?"

"No, I am just mad that after I helped her she was so ungrateful and left with anger, I mean I just helped her! I just saved her!"

"And kissed her!" Jenna reminded me.

"I didn't kiss her, I just helped her breathe, Jenna.."

"Don't worry, you just have to get it over with!" She sits up from the branch and jumps and lands on her feet.

"I will." I said, "But I also don't care anymore."

"Whatever you say." She said while rolling her eyes. "Anyway come with me..." 

She starts running to where she wants to take me. I start chasing after her throughout the woods. Jenna was already ahead but I manage to catch up to her. I run beside her.

"Where are we going?" I said while being careful. 

"To see Ocean and Britney what else?"

"Just to see them?" I said. If I'm just coming to see them, I would have to come back where I came from because Jenna doesn't want me to see the house yet.

"We found a new house to live in!"

"You already told me." I said.

"Aren't you excited to see Ocean?"

"Oh right, her...Yeah, let's go." I probably should've said it with a bit of excitement but I'm also a bit tired. I just want to go home. 

Jenna stops running. 

"Max!" She shouts. "Come here!"

I didn't realize that she stopped until she shouted at me. I keep on running because I know i'm dead. I'm hoping she would see that I didn't hear her. I should probably stop since I have no idea where I'm going, I'm just going in a straight line. 

I then hear something behind me. I feel something behind me. Oh no, can it be? I turn around just to see Jenna running behind me. getting closer and closer to me. What?! How? That fast? How are her big boobs not even slowing her down? Or her boot heels?

It's just me vs. Jenna, we're both on each other's side. Jenna bumps into me from behind and gets a grip on my hair. Jenna Is also very strong, maybe a bit stronger than me but she is able to stop me by pulling me back, grabbing my hair.

"Ow, just because I didn't sound excited to see Ocean you're all of a sudden mad at me?"

"Is there any problems with that?" She said.

"No, it's just been a while I have seen her, I'm also exhausted. All that running tired me." I yawn a bit. "By the way is she still with your friend or is she with your mother?" I asked.

"My dear friend Brittney is taking care of her this time." She said.

"Why can't you at least take Ocean with you while Britney is at home? Since you're always so worried about her."

Jenna thinks for a bit.

"I don't want to put her in danger if I do take her with me. It's happened before, remember?" Jenna sighs. "I don't want that to happen again." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It won't happen again. That was just one time, you guys know better now." I said trying to convince her, even if it has happened more than once.

"One time?" She said remembering everything that happens.

"Are you ok?" I said.

"Anyway let's go..." She said. "Also you going the wrong way, dumb ass, now we have to run all the way back and take a left, then a right and then go straight and keep on going. but I wonder..."

"What?" I said.

"Aren't you at least hungry?"She said. 

"" I lied. Even if I do feel hungry I've learned to go without eating. I want to go to the house

"Liar! You have been out here for a while, I know that you end up starving yourself" She said.

"Fine, I am a bit hungry..." I said not trying to-

"Wait! I'm coming!" I ran up to her.

She runs off without me.

I chased her through the woods, The place we're going seems to really far apart, a lot farther than what I'm used to. Even in heel boots, Jenna can run really fast, but I could use the workout. An hour later has passed, and Jenna has stopped.

"Is..this it?" I said taking a breath of air, wiping the sweat off of my head

"Yes," she muttered.

"Is this our new location?" I asked curiously. "For now?"


"Why? Did we move in the first place again?"

"He found out where we lived." She muttered. "I don't want him near.."

I knew who she was talking about. Her ex. "You moving provokes him to keep following you."

"Yes. But I want to enjoy my time without him."

She kept walking to the place. Once we got there I shouted: "Finally we're here! My legs hurt a lot!" I said, being on my knees.

"Well come on let's knock." We laugh and approach the house.

When we see the house we slowly walk up to it. The house was an average little house. The outside of the house has white wood, with big square windows with flower baskets hanging from them.

Jenna knocks the door. "Brittney?" The door slowly opens.

"Hello?" We hear a familiar voice.

"Hi, Ocean!!" Jenna sequels.

"Mom?" Ocean answers in relief. "I knew it was you!" She giggles.

"We're home...."

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