Chapter four Clean and...

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                                                     Leona's perspective

I was walking around the village to see if people would recognize me and I am kinda bumbed that they didn't. They probably do know and they probably just don't care.

I walk by these houses. I feel really uncomfortable. To be honest, I haven't changed or cleaned myself well for a whole week. Pretty gross, I know.

While walking I hear loud noises all over the village. I looked back just to see that it was the guards again chasing someone. All the running and chasing made the village sound really loud and noisy, it's like we had a pack of wolves or something.

I am already used to this so this time I won't bother to see.

I shiver a bit. I feel someone close to me, yet still I didn't bother to look back. Out of nowhere someone behind me bumped into me. Hard.

"Ow..." I said.

I try not to fall over but I landed hard on my knees. My pants got ripped by the knees because of the filthy rocks on the floor and my shirt got dirty too.

"Why..." I cried.

Just what I needed. If only some other stranger would give me more money.

l looked behind me and I see the person who bumps into me. He looks familiar. When he turns to look at me that's when I could see his face. It was him, the black haired guy.

His face looked dirty and he had a long mark on his cheek. His skin was pale white and bright by the sun, but not its not as bright as his sky blue eyes. His hair was deeply black, His clothes were black too, and bloody white, dirty looking. My heart started pounding as he looks at me.

He realizes that It was me who he bumped into and he's nice enough to help me up. He didn't have time to talk much, he is more focused on the guards who were still chasing him.

"Sorry" he said as he looked at me. His eyes were pretty as the sea.

"It's fine" I muttered.

I Still can't believe people sometimes mistake him for a girl. I mean I once mistaken him for a girl, he is taller than most girls.

He looks around, thinking of ideas, meanwhile I look at him and space out.

Personally, from all the guys I seen, he's the cutest one I've seen. At least he's nice. But I shouldn't let his beau-LOOKS-take control of me, you never know how the guy could turns out.

"You good?" He asked.

I nod.

He hears the guards nearby. He has a chance to run, why is he waiting?

He randomly unties his hair. My heart starts pounding even faster. Oh my gosh, I can't believe he is a guy! I've never seen such gorgeous hair, especially on a guy! My heart was flattered. He takes off his sweater, takes off his shirt, puts his swaeter back on,  and quickly takes someone else hat. He then holds my hand tight. We start walking randomly.

"I'm sorry I hope you're not as uncomfortable as much as I am." He said.

The guards end up passing by us. The long hair guy made it look like we were a normal couple passing by. He holds my hand. Lets just say theses were the longest 2 minutes I been through.

"Are they gone?" He asked.

My mind froze.

This feeling. It's strange. I like it. Why does it feel so nice? What's wrong with me?

"Excuse me, are they gone?" He repeated.

''What?'' I asked confused.

"Uh? you know, the guards?"

"Y-YES THEY ARE..." I said nervously freaking out.

I shivered.

"Sorry for bugging you, I thought it would blend in and no one would recognize me, and I can't believe it actually worked! The guards are so stupid I was right here the whole time." He laughs a bit.

''Why were they, you know, chasing you?'' I asked.

Max's Perspective

Since I couldn't see well, I had to use her to help me.

I'm not that blind but at least I can still see people's faces, but when I do run I can't always see the rocks on the ground or any other little things.

My idea is to walk with her and make it look like we're some normal couple. And it's working well so far.

I can tell that this girl is uncomfortable or scared of me because while I was holding her hand, I could feel her heart beating.

It's been 2 long minute and I needed to know if they were gone so I ask her if they were there.

"Are they gone?" I asked. She stayed quiet for a bit. I know she's shy, I just wanted to know if they were gone. So I asked again.

"Excuse me, are they gone?" I said again, kinda annoyed.

''What?'' she said confused.

"Uh, you know, the guards?" I said.

"Y-Yes they are..." she said. We let go of each other, I unzip my sweater. I felt bad for dragging her into this. I might as well explain it to her.

As I am about to apologize to her, she was starting to leave. I quickly caught up to her and stop her. I grabbed her by her hand again.

"Sorry for holding you, again. I thought it would blend in and no one would recognize me." I stop a bit but continue anyway "I can't believe it actually worked! The guards are so stupid, I was right here in front of them whole time." I laughed a bit.

"Why where they, you know, chasing you?" she muttered.

"It's a long story...let's just say I'm not very welcomed here...I'm just a bad boy." I cringe. Really? Bad boy? That's what I can come up with.

"Why?" she asked.

"Look, I would love share this with you, and I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but it's really none of your business. It's just personal. So anyway, how did you end up like this?"

"Well, really that's none of your business either."

"What?"Look who's acting tough.

"Like you said, it's personal." She said, sounding like she was mocking me.

"Okay, whatever. You could leave now and stay out of trouble."

"What do you mean by that?"She said.

"Never mind kid."

"Hey! I'm not a kid, you just happen to act older!" She said

"And who said I was actually calling you a kid?" I said. She got mad. It's so scary it's cute. It's hard to take her serious. She seems cute when she's mad. I bend down abit and pat her head.

"Aw, aren't you cute?"

"I AM NOT CUTE!!" She roars.

"Yes you are. Who's a cute little duck?"

Okay I'm just enjoying myself.

"I'm not a duck! And I'm not cute!! Don't you get any ideas!!" She shouts again.

This time she was serious. She shouted so loud that everyone who's near us started staring at us.

Great. Just what I needed.

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