Chapter five strangers

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Maxs p.o.v
Everyone starts to stare at us. Some may of reconize me.

"Shut up!" I said behind her back covering her mouth.

"OK" she mumbled. She pushes my hand away.  As she did that, some of her slimy saliva got on my hands. I wipe my hands on my pants.

"I have to go, okay? Bye." I said disgusted.

"What happened to your cheek?" She asks. "Sorry! That is if you want to tell me, It's not like I care." She said. Maybe I should at least just tell her a bit of what happen to me. It's not like she would care or remember later on.

"I got hit with half a glass of a bottle and I got hit by the cracked side and it cut through my cheek. I was bleeding a lot, but it's stopped now..."

"Oh...." she said looking down. We were just standing there while we had a long minute of silent. It was a long minute.

It quickly got awkward. It was like we were looking at each other, but we weren't. We were just standing there.   

"Bye?" she said.

"Bye?" I said.

We part ways. 

I was happy to get this over. I do have horrible social skills when I comes to talking to other people.

 The more I think about the more I wonder, Isn't that the girl I just helped earlier? Shes blond and least from what I remember.

Leona's Perspective

Why must I always make a fool out of myself?! Why am I so pathetic? My curiosity got in the way, like always. Why would I even ask if I barely even know him?

 I'll admit tho, I just lost myself into his eye. He seems to be like me; we're both lost and mistaken for something else.

Who am I kidding? I should just get over this.

It was just the afternoon but I'm already tired. All this talking and walking is exhausting.

It'll be hard to get over with but I guess a good night's sleep would help and it's not even night. 

'Where will I go' some may ask. Well you'll see.

I then remembered something.

I go to look for a house. By a house I mean the house I used to live, and by used to live in, I mean where I used to work in aswell. 

I would get fired and hired, just like from Mrs. Walts. The difference is that if I ever need a place to stay I come here, and pay. The lady I worked with here seemed, not seemed but looks very rich. Her house was like a small mansion. Then again her son is a guard and her husband works in construction . Mrs. Gracen Hates me but lets me stay as long as I pay her.

I did worked to also stay but Mrs. Gracen just let me work because she felt petty for me. Wanted me to just clean and cook.

 I used the money I had and paid Ms. Gracen for me to stay. 

After I got in Mrs. Gracen just stares at me. She had theses silver eyes, gray hair and wrinkled face that made you quickly look away. I wouldn't call her a witch, but you can. She was a tough cookie with no taste or favor. I don't like her either but I rather be in here than out in the woods.

I feel like one of the reasons she fired me and pettys me Is because she hates me, Well I hate her too.

She takes me to my old room. It wasn't too small but it wasn't too big.

The room was pearl white. It had a small closet and an average size bed. There was this one furniture with a mirror with gold on the edges. I couldn't help myself but I keep looking at myself. I still look clean, my clothes are just messy.

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