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I hope you're having a nice day.

I hope you're having a nice day.

I hope you're having a nice day.

Sometimes it bites.

Sometimes it doesn't.

Telling your enemies the same.

Sometimes it feels like it's an automated response.

Other times not.

It is my choice to speak this.

I want you to know I hope for this.

You might not care.

It might be your saving grace.

I hope the latter,

because I care about you.

Even if you don't care about me,

I will always cling to you,

in your sleep,

in your wake.

Know I am always right behind you,

when you need somebody to rely on

But sometimes, it comes at a cost.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I have to let you down again.

But even the selfless must have standards.

I am imperfect.

That much I accept.

The strive to do what I must

is sometimes the only thing that lets me stay on this Earth.  

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