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  Some bad notes here and there; some hit on the wrong beat, others perfect, in tune, on the right beat. That doesn't matter to him; it may never matter to him, as he only plays this keyboard for fun. He doesn't actually have anything to do with it. He finds it a good time waster.

  A summoning had occurred, and it had piqued the interest of no man. He was still alone in this desolate room, and that thought suddenly unsettled him. The only noise that came around to comfort him was the sudden haunting dissonant chord he played as he stood up, having to press his hands against the keys. "Hello?" he called out, to nobody in specific, just hoping someone would be here. Anybody, for that matter. The only reply he got was the call of the house settling, no, or someone taking steps on the staircase, it was the latter. Either way, his fear suddenly dropped, thinking that it was just one of his parents escalating the stairway to the upstairs portion of the house. His fear would raise back up into his throat as he stopped hearing the escalating steps, or perhaps deescalating; he looked out the window when he no longer feared it to find himself suddenly paralyzed looking out the window, only able to move his jaw and eyes. He stared outwards as he was suddenly trapped looking out of his skull, to see a solitary man, taller than anyone should have been, staring directly at him as the daylight suddenly ceased to exist, leaving only darkness that encapsulated further his thought. He didn't know if he was hallucinating, but he blinked a few times to reassure himself that the man was really there, to find he was, in fact, real; not a figment of his imagination at all.

  Although he was already certain this man was real, it was nobody he knew. He couldn't tell who this man was at all. He wasn't sure he wanted to. He blinked again and the man was suddenly...gone, as gone could be. And then, he was free of his mind's bounds, bounded him to being paralyzed.  

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