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Loss of touch

Loss of hearing

Loss of sight

Loss of mind


of memories

in the garbage

Some things last a long time

Others just simply don't

You are waiting

You are waiting on me to deliver


a box

To your doorstep

In which there is...




Not my gift.

The snow is falling

The bell is tolling

Some things are okay

Others are simply not

This is my job

You aren't here

I'm not there

We're too far away from one another, I said

You said, I'm right behind you

We're both one

But were we never the same?

Like speaking into a mirror

You'll never know what protrudes from the reflection one day.

Even if it is nothing

In the words it returns

You will know

You will know when it is prepared to maul you and destroy everything you have worked for, everyone you love, everything you love, and bring up atop the flames and ashes of what you have created with your perspective all that is evil. In your eyes, evil. In your eyes, unlikable. But that, that is all the impact we can make.

That is all my impact is, on you.  

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